Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I like WATCHMEN as much as the next guy. But who would deny that it's an Alan Moore show all the way?

Alan Moore. Even after he fell out with Gibbons in 2012 over the Before Watchmen shit and has absolutely no reason to give him any credit he doesn't deserve, he still says the book was a group effort. We're talking about the guy who spends half his interviews violently shitting on everyone in the industry. And this is how he describes the creative process for Watchmen in 2013:

I think we got to issue three and, on the first page, there were all these things coming together; there was a new way of telling a story. We got the captions from the pirate comic [within the comic]. We got the balloon from the news vendor. The radiation sign was being screwed onto the wall on the other side of the street and they were all in this dance together. And then we thought, ‘This is new. This is good. We can take this further.’ And so with the next issue, we did that complicated thing with Dr Manhattan where we were slicing up time and rearranging it to achieve a kind of specific effect. And then we made the issue that was entirely symmetrical. Making all the scenes mirror each other from front to back. In every issue, we were trying to push it a bit further. We were thinking, ‘Are we doing something new with the storytelling? Are we doing something that hasn’t been seen before?’

Here's the panel Moore is talking about, the one that inspired them to make Watchmen what it is: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_FVXCQBs2iUU/TBjUFNjQJ-I/AAAAAAAADKw/vndChqdVwv0/s1600/watchmen5.jpg

Look at the detail on that thing. No, any artist couldn't have done that. The fact that you'd bring up Steve Bissette proves you're talking out of your ass. Here's a Bissette page: http://images.sequart.org/images/22a-660x1015.jpg

I like Bissette, but what he gains in atmosphere he loses in background detail. Huh, it's almost like different artists have different strengths. Now imagine Bissette (or Alan Davis, or anyone else) had drawn that Watchmen panel above and rather than thinking "Wait, we can play with the structure of this thing and create something awesome" Moore just say "Cool page" and moves on.

You're way off on this one, Wondy. You've never been more wrong in this forum. Except when it's about race or politics or basic human decency. But other than anything important, you've never been more wrong in this forum.