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Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!!!

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The same fear of being labeled "racist" that prevented reporting of Major Nadal Hasan by other military staff, before his shooting up the Fort Hood military base.

And even now anti-American leftist Obama still has it labeled as "workplace violence" rather than as the Islamic terrorist attack it truly is. Hasan has six figures in back pay piling up for him from the military, while soldiers who were shot by Hasan are denied medical coverage for their injuries by Hasan, because technically they are "workplace violence" and not as the combat injuries they truly are.

Things seem to work the same way on both sides of the Atlantic.

And in Australia as well, as cited in a rape case I linked here years ago. And Canada as well, in cited honor killings, and in the terror exported across the border to the U.S. by Canadian muslims.

I'd love one president in the Western world with the balls to export any muslim citizans or residents in their country who were even slightly radical-Islamic. Make it clear that if they are going to immigrate to the West, they have to cease behaving like medieval barbarians, and truly assimilate.

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I think the most disturbing thing I've seen in recent months from the Islamic world is beheading of children.

How do you know your religion is evil?
Hands down, it's when you are beheading children.

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Rights group: Iranian 'Happy' video dancers get suspended sentences

CNN) -- Six Iranians who were arrested after making a dance video set to Pharrell Williams' song "Happy" received suspended sentences of six months in prison and 91 lashes, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said Thursday, citing sources close to the accused.

Another person involved in the making of the video, Reihane Taravati, received a suspended 12-month prison sentence in addition to suspended lashes, the rights group's executive director, Hadi Ghaemi, said. Authorities accused her of possessing alcohol and posting the video online, the group said.

A trial was held early last week.

The sentences of prison terms and lashes are suspended for three years provided the seven people -- Taravati, director Sassan Soleimani, Neda Motameni, Afshin Sohrabi, Bardia Moradi, Roham Shamekhi, and a person known as Sepideh --- don't engage in any more "wrongdoings," the organization said.

The accused were charged with "participation in producing a vulgar video clip" and conducting "illicit relations," according to the human rights group.

The "Happy in Tehran" video received international attention when it was posted on YouTube. The three men and three women were arrested May 19 by Tehran police for helping make an "obscene video clip that offended the public morals and was released in cyberspace," the Iranian Students' News Agency reported. Director Soleimani was arrested the next day.

Following the arrests, Iranian authorities forced the young people to repent on state TV.

Just like in the original video, the Iranian fan version features a montage of men and women dancing to the song in a variety of settings.

At the time, Pharrell, who is known professionally by his first name only, denounced the arrests.

"It is beyond sad that these kids were arrested for trying to spread happiness," the Grammy Award-winner said on his Facebook page.

Not on the same scale as beheading and crucifying children, but still manifesting the brutal suppression of freedom in the Islamic world.

91 lashes each (suspended, probably only because it looks pointlessly awful to the rest of the world). For making a happy video.

But hey, I'm just "islamophopic". The ISIS-Lite crowd over at CAIR can surely spin this to portray Islam in a positive light.

Last edited by Wonder Boy; 2014-09-20 9:12 AM.
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The French love their food, and being French they claim almost anything appetizing as their own. Such as croissants. But croissants are Austrian, and while we don’t know the precise origins of the pastry, one of the most likely explanations is that they were invented in 1683 to commemorate the Catholic victory over the Turks who were trying, in their “peaceful” way, to take Vienna, destroy the churches, forcibly convert the people to Islam, rape the women, and so forth. Allegedly, the city’s bakers had stayed up all night at work and so heard the Muslims trying to tunnel their way in. They alerted the garrison, Vienna was saved, and in mocking memory of the Ottomans, crescents—or croissants—were invented.

The story may or may not be true, and while I certainly hope it is—it's a delightful story behind a delicious food—it is the reaction of some Muslims rather than the debatable authenticity of the tale that is of greater interest. You see, the croissant is banned in many Islamic countries and societies. It may seem a trivial anecdote, a piece of mere historical confectionary. But, no. Within the ostensibly banal behavior of a religion we can see its deeper meaning and manners.

Which brings us to the invasion of the ancient Christian town of Maaloula in Syria by an al Qaeda-linked rebel group. The town is remarkable on many levels, one of which is that it is one of the few places left in the world where a dialect of Aramaic, the language of Jesus, is still spoken. The Christians are both Catholic and Orthodox, and the local Muslims are extremely unusual in that they have not been Arabized; the people of Syria and much of the Middle East are not ethnically Arab, and the language and culture of Arabia were forced on them along with the then new, Arabian religion of Islam. As soon as the Islamists entered the town recently they began destroying ancient churches, murdering people, and threatened others with beheading unless they converted to Islam.

I have written before in this publication and in others, and have broadcast on my television show in Canada, about the reality of Islam and Muslim attitudes towards Christians. It’s one of the reasons why I receive death threats and abuse. But this story cannot be told often enough. And the indifferent, secular world has to be reminded and reminded again that the genocidal eschatology of fundamentalist Islam, now the driving and dominant trend in the religion, has to be resisted for the sake of the entire democratic world—but most immediately for any Christian living in a Muslim-dominated country.

There is hardly much need to repeat the blood-red litany of crimes committed by Muslims in the last twenty years alone in the name of Islam. Indonesian Christian schoolgirls beheaded on their way to class; suicide bombings of crowds of innocent people; the torture and rape of women who dare to uncover their faces in public; the constant murderous targeting of children; the obsession with mutilation and beheading; the glorying in death and pain; the “honor killings”; the grooming of young girls; the rape gangs and the forced female genital mutilation; and on and on. None of it is justifiable, or even understandable, on any grounds. It has nothing to do with western imperialism, Israel, poverty, or oppression. Many of the victims are other Muslims, almost all are harmless civilians. Yet even though the Islamists hardly even bother to try to justify their actions, almost every one of them is immediately analyzed, explained, and even partly justified, by Western leftists and Islamic fellow travelers. We are told that this has nothing to do with Islam but everything to do with injustice and religious extremism—and extremism, they continue, is the fault not of Islam but of all religions.

Which would contain at least a tincture of credence if we lived in fear of Unitarian terrorists, Lutheran killers, or aging Catholic nuns intent on suicide bombings. The chattering classes smother themselves in denial and relativism partly because they are physically terrified of offending Islam, but also because they so detest Christianity that they simply cannot acknowledge that followers of Christ behave in a far more civilized and peaceful way than followers of Mohammad. That Christians are so often victims of Muslims makes the denial even easier, because if anyone deserves to suffer, it is surely those awful Christian types who in the West want to stop men from marrying men and women from marrying women, who oppose abortion, and who think people shouldn’t use sex as a coffee substitute.

And here, surely, is the epicenter of the problem. In their private moments, the mainstream commentators who make apologies for Islam while slamming Christianity admit that living in an Islamic society would be horrendous, particularly for them. But, of course, they don’t, for they live in America, Canada, Britain, and France. And while Muslim intolerance is an inconvenience, it seldom troubles them directly because they are invariably white, wealthy, and never visit the Muslim communities in their own cities. There is no chance of being silenced at the next dinner party or threatened at the weekend’s book launch. They know it happens in Pakistan, Africa, and the Middle East, but they don’t live in Pakistan, Africa, and the Middle East. That’s where poor and foreign people, black and brown people live and—while they would hyperventilate at this—there is more than a dash of racism and snobbery involved in all of this.

The religious people giving the chatterers a hard time in their homelands are Christians, and in particular Catholics. So in response they constantly link the Christians to the Muslims, and speak of the problems of religion instead of the problems of Islam. We see this when celebrities condemn the Pope but remain silent about the Ayatollah, write angry letters to Moscow about its legislation preventing public displays of nudity and perversion but pen not a word when the genocide of Christians begins in Egypt. They even rounded on super-atheist Richard Dawkins when he merely stated the fact there have been more Nobel Prizes won from a single Cambridge University college than from the entire Muslim world. When, however, Dawkins had made the most repugnant comments about Catholicism, they cheered him on. Objective truth about Islam is forbidden, gutter opinion about Catholics is perfectly fine.

I’d like to think that this will all change in the coming years, and in some circles that might be the case. Yet each time Islamists attack western countries, the response from the pundits and professional talkers is not clarity of thought but simply more pretense. We saw this after 9/11, as well as after the Madrid and London attacks. During the Second World War fifth columnists were arrested, in the war against Communism the traitors were exposed, but in the war against Islamic extremism the home front is frighteningly weak. When the going gets tough, the tough get Catholic. At least I pray so, because it may well be our only hope.

The 1683 Vienna story of symbolic Croissants refers to a pivotal moment in history, when the Ottoman Empire was about to invade further into the Christian world, and was turned back at the gates of Vienna, Austria. If not for that pivotal battle, Europe might all be Muslim now.
The Moors in Portugal, Spain and Southern France ruled similarly another large chunk of Europe for roughly 900 years, and the last were driven out in 1492, the same year Columbus discovered America.
All of the Middle East and Northern Africa was Christian before the muslim Caliphate swept across these regions.

Beyond that, it goes into a nice litany of the bloody history of Islam, and of the naïve, if not malicious, false moral equivalency Western liberals in the media create between Christianity and Islam.

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This Bill Maher show has gotten a lot of controversy in the last day or so, for his hard stance on the clear and consistent murderous brutality of Islam. I'm always amazed when Bill Maher says something I'm in agreement with.

Ben Affleck defends Islam on Bill Maher (on Young Turks)

Ben Affleck looks like the complete liberal schmuck here I've always known him to be.
Not quite Matt Damon territory, but pretty frigging close.

Maher: "We have to be able to criticize bad ideas."
Sam Harris: "Islam is the motherlode of bad ideas."
[Wild applause from the audience.]

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The polls of muslims worldwide demonstrate that a vast percentage, if not a majority, endorse violent jihad, terrorist bombing in the U.S. or European countries they live in, endorse Osama Bin Ladin, endorse Al Qaida, endorse ISIS.

That translates to hundreds of millions of muslims worldwide, if not "over a billion".

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Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham and the president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, says President Obama, like President Bush before him, just doesn’t understand Islam.

Graham noted Obama’s recent comments on the conflict in the Middle East.

“In his speech, the president made this baffling comment about Islam: ‘Islam teaches peace. Muslims all over the world aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country,’” Graham wrote in a recent commentary for Decision magazine.

But [Graham] said that [Obama's quoted view of islam] just doesn’t line up with the facts that people see.

Obama, he asserted, doesn’t understand Islam.

“Even President Bush in the previous administration called Islam a peaceful religion. Both men have done a great disservice to the American public by not understanding Islam and its teaching in the Quran,” Graham wrote.

He noted he recently was in Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House, to pray for Pastor Saeed Abedini, an Iranian-American who has been imprisoned for two years in Iran “simply because of his Christian faith.”

“Islamic terrorists are indiscriminately and brutally killing all who stand in their way, as evidenced by the gruesome, demonic images of recent beheadings of American and British journalists. For Muslims, peace comes only through submission to Islam. When they speak of peace, they mean submission to their religion,” he said.

“This is why, as we prayed for the release of Saeed and persecuted Christians, I spoke to the president via the media and loudspeakers,” he said.

His message was simple: “Mr. President – followers of a peaceful religion do not cut off the heads of innocent people in barbaric fashion. … Mr. President – believers in a peaceful religion do not kidnap 300 young schoolgirls as Boko Haram did in northeastern Nigeria in April and reportedly [sell] them to men to be sex slaves. … Mr. President – men who practice a peaceful religion do not detonate bombs on an American street during a marathon race to kill and maim innocent people. … Mr. President – no one who belongs to a peaceful religion would even consider hijacking airlines and flying them into buildings occupied by thousands of innocent people beginning their workday. … Mr. President – no peaceful religion would tolerate, let alone practice, female circumcision, require a woman to have her husband’s permission to leave her home and take up employment, and restrict her ability to receive justice.”

Graham continued, “Mr. President – a peaceful religion would not condone and allow a father to drown a daughter in a swimming pool in front of the family in the name of family honor because she might have stayed out late in the evening with her boyfriend.”

And pointedly, he asked, “Mr. President – why haven’t the 3.5 million Muslims in North America rejected this gross, barbaric and despicable behavior by their fellow Muslims on American soil?”

In his commentary, headlined “Is Islam Really a Religion of Peace?” in the November Decision, he cited Obama’s claim al-Qaida and Boko Haram are guided by an ideology that will “simply wilt and die if it is consistently exposed, confronted and refuted in the light of day.”

“That simply is not the case,” he said. “Islam … is a false religion [that is] guided and characterized by treacherous deceit.”

Obama attended Islamic schools in Indonesia during his youth, and many members of his extended family in Kenya are Muslims. He once said in an interview that the call to Muslim prayer was the most beautiful sound on earth.

Graham sparked a controversy two years ago when he was responding to questions about Obama’s faith.

In a report in the Christian Post, he described how Obama responded to a question of how he came to faith in Christ by explaining he was working as a community organizer, and people asked him where he went to church. He said he didn’t, they told him he needed to, and he ended up at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s congregation in Chicago.

Graham said he accepts Obama’s statement that he is Christian, but noted: “Islam sees him as a son of Islam because his father was a Muslim, his grandfather was a Muslim. All I know is under Obama, President Obama, the Muslims of the world, he seems to be more concerned about them than the Christians that are being murdered in the Muslim countries.”

Pressed about Obama’s faith, Graham said: “I think you have to ask President Obama. You can ask me do I believe if you’re a Christian but I think the best thing for a person is to ask you directly. He’s come out saying he’s a Christian so I think the question is what is a Christian?”

Graham said he could not support Obama as a candidate because of his positions on abortion and traditional marriage. Obama’s faith “has nothing to do with my consideration of him as a candidate,” Graham said.

That same year, CBN reported, Graham said Obama was defying God by supporting “gay marriage.”

“President Obama has, in my view, shaken his fist at the same God who created and defined marriage,” he said. “It grieves me that our president would affirm same-sex marriage, though I believe it grieves God even more.”

A CNS report also noted that Graham said some people in the Obama administration are “hostile to Christians” to the point they “are anti-Christ in what they say and in what they do.”

His comments came as part of an interview about religious persecution in the U.S. armed forces.

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Paris. Charlie Hebdo. Et al.

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September 23, 2013
by Ryan Mauro

The cultural relativists on the Left and apologists for radical Islam like to blame the Crusades for almost everything. The Muslim extremists are only responding to the deeds of Christian extremists, the argument goes. In his new book, Sir Walter Scott’s Crusades and Other Fantasies, former Muslim Ibn Warraq takes on this misleading theme intended to blame the West for the Muslim world’s troubles.

The claim that the Crusades are the starting point of Islamic jihad is basically the political application of, “For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.” It equates the Christian beliefs driving the Crusades with the Islamic beliefs driving jihad.

Ibn Warraq’s new book tackles this misconception. Islamic atrocities were not provoked by the Crusaders’ own reprehensible acts, but preceded them. Islamic jihad was not triggered by the Crusades; it preceded them.

In fact, as explained by Warraq and in books like The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and What’s So Great About Christianity, the Christian world was reduced to about one-third of what it was by the sword of jihad. The Crusades were launched with the objective of, without any exaggeration, saving Europe and Western civilization from Sharia.

My personal experience in school is that the opposite was taught. The Crusades were framed as offensive and the jihads as defensive. The Crusaders were depicted as barbarians, particularly to Jews. I cannot recall hearing about a single Islamic atrocity before or during these wars.

This is a common phenomenon, Warraq explains, and it’s part of an overall trend when it comes to education about the history of Islam.

“What are seen as positive aspects of Islamic Civilization are ecstatically praised, even exaggerated, and all the negative aspects are imputed to the arrival of the pestilential Westerners, and where the Arabs, Persians and Muslims in general are seen as passive victims,” Warraq said in an interview.

As proof, Warraq and the other authors mention the countless mass killings and persecutions of Christians and Jews before the Crusades. The destruction of over 30,000 churches during a 10-year period starting in 1004 AD is little-known. So is the burning of crosses, the beheading of converts to Christianity from Islam, the destruction of Christian holy sites like the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the forced tax for non-Muslims (the jizya) and the list goes on and on.

Modern-day Islamists and their apologists point to these times as proof of the historical tolerance of Islamic civilization. Islam-ruled Spain (Andalucia) and the city of Cordoba are held up as the golden examples of interfaith coexistence. For example, the Islamic Society of North America’s official publication included an article in its March-April issue titled, “Andalucia: Paradise Still Lost?”

One of the most interesting claims made in Waraq’s book is that the Crusades did not have a permanent impact on the Muslim psychology. Part of the reason is because the Muslim world viewed the wars as an overall victory.

“Many believe that modern Muslims have inherited from their medieval ancestors memories of crusader violence and destruction. But nothing could be further from the truth. By the fourteenth century, in the Islamic world the Crusades had almost passed out of mind,” Warraq said.

This begs the question of what revived the relevancy of the Crusades in how the Muslim world views the West.

Warraq says that the Crusades were reentered into the discourse by Europe. Imperialism was purposely framed as a continuation of the Crusades; something particularly agitating for the growing Arab nationalist movement.

“Nineteenth, and even early twentieth century Europeans unashamedly used crusader rhetoric and a tendentious reading of crusader history to justify their imperial dreams of conquest,” according to Warraq.

The Arab world’s insecurities over its falling behind were blamed on the European colonists that were viewed as Crusaders. This theme “eases the guilty consciences of the Arabs themselves: it is not their fault that they are such abject failures—it is all the fault of the Crusaders.”

In addition, attributing the backwardness of the Muslim world to the “Crusaders” allowed Sharia Law to escape responsibility. At the same time, complaining about the Crusades actually provided Muslims with hope in the face of Western superiority.

As Dinesh D’Souza explains, “So the Crusades can be seen as a belated, clumsy and unsuccessful effort to defeat Islamic imperialism.”

However, Warraq emphasizes that his point isn’t to blame the West for its use of Crusader rhetoric. The jihad existed before the Crusades and during the period when they “had almost passed out of mind” of the Muslim world.

“My point is that Islamic jihad did not end with the defeat of the Crusaders. On the contrary, in Islamic doctrine all the later Islamic conquests were seen as a part of the religious duty of carrying out jihad until the entire world submits to Islam,” he said.

Blaming the Crusades is a way of denying the Islamic supremacist ideology that has driven the conflict from the beginning.


About Ryan Mauro

Ryan Mauro is a fellow with the, the founder of and a frequent national security analyst for Fox News Channel. He can be contacted at

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A "Tiny Minority of Extremists"?

"Strive hard against the unbelievers and the hypocrites and be
unyielding to them; and their abode is hell, and evil is their destination."
Quran 9:73

Have you heard that Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined.

The following polls convey what Muslims say are their attitudes toward terrorism, al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 attacks, violence in defense of Islam, Sharia, honor killings, and matters concerning assimilation in Western society. The results are all the more astonishing because most of the polls were conducted by organizations with an obvious interest in "discovering" agreeable statistics that downplay any cause for concern.

(These have been compiled over the years, so not all links remain active. We will continue adding to this).



ICM Poll: 20% of British Muslims sympathize with 7/7 bombers

NOP Research: 1 in 4 British Muslims say 7/7 bombings were justified

People-Press: 31% of Turks support suicide attacks against Westerners in Iraq.

YNet: One third of Palestinians (32%) supported the slaughter of a Jewish family, including the children:,7340,L-4053251,00.html

World Public Opinion: 61% of Egyptians approve of attacks on Americans
32% of Indonesians approve of attacks on Americans
41% of Pakistanis approve of attacks on Americans
38% of Moroccans approve of attacks on Americans
83% of Palestinians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (only 14% oppose)
62% of Jordanians approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (21% oppose)
42% of Turks approve of some or most groups that attack Americans (45% oppose)
A minority of Muslims disagreed entirely with terror attacks on Americans:
(Egypt 34%; Indonesia 45%; Pakistan 33%)
About half of those opposed to attacking Americans were sympathetic with al-Qaeda’s attitude toward the U.S.

And we let these people immigrate to our country... why?


Pew Research (2010): 55% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hezbollah
30% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hezbollah
45% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hezbollah (26% negative)
43% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hezbollah (30% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 60% of Jordanians have a positive view of Hamas (34% negative).
49% of Egyptians have a positive view of Hamas (48% negative)
49% of Nigerian Muslims have a positive view of Hamas (25% negative)
39% of Indonesians have a positive view of Hamas (33% negative)

Pew Research (2010): 15% of Indonesians believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.
34% of Nigerian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified.

16% of young Muslims in Belgium state terrorism is "acceptable".

Populus Poll (2006): 12% of young Muslims in Britain (and 12% overall) believe that suicide attacks against civilians in Britain can be justified. 1 in 4 support suicide attacks against British troops.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.
35% of young Muslims in Britain believe suicide bombings are justified (24% overall).
42% of young Muslims in France believe suicide bombings are justified (35% overall).
22% of young Muslims in Germany believe suicide bombings are justified.(13% overall).
29% of young Muslims in Spain believe suicide bombings are justified.(25% overall).

Pew Research (2011): 8% of Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (81% never).
28% of Egyptian Muslims believe suicide bombings are often or sometimes justified (38% never).

Pew Research (2007): Muslim-Americans who identify more strongly with their religion are three times more likely to feel that suicide bombings are justified

ICM: 5% of Muslims in Britain tell pollsters they would not report a planned Islamic terror attack to authorities.
27% do not support the deportation of Islamic extremists preaching violence and hate.

Federation of Student Islamic Societies: About 1 in 5 Muslim students in Britain (18%) would not report a fellow Muslim planning a terror attack.

ICM Poll: 25% of British Muslims disagree that a Muslim has an obligation to report terrorists to police.

Populus Poll (2006): 16% of British Muslims believe suicide attacks against Israelis are justified.
37% believe Jews in Britain are a "legitimate target".

Pew Research (2013): At least 1 in 4 Muslims do not reject violence against civilians (study did not distinguish between those who believe it is partially justified and never justified).

Pew Research (2013): 15% of Muslims in Turkey support suicide bombings (also 11% in Kosovo, 26% in Malaysia and 26% in Bangladesh).

PCPO (2014): 89% of Palestinians support Hamas and other terrorists firing rockets at Israeli civilians.

Pew Research (2013): Only 57% of Muslims worldwide disapprove of al-Qaeda. Only 51% disapprove of the Taliban. 13% support both groups and 1 in 4 refuse to say.

See also: for further statistics on Islamic terror.

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al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Islamic State (ISIS)


Pew Research (2007): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (27% can’t make up their minds). Only 58% reject al-Qaeda outright.

Pew Research (2011): 5% of American Muslims have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (14% can’t make up their minds).

Pew Research (2011): 1 in 10 native-born Muslim-Americans have a favorable view of al-Qaeda.

al-Jazeera (2006): 49.9% of Muslims polled support Osama bin Laden

Pew Research: 59% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2003
41% of Indonesians support Osama bin Laden in 2007
56% of Jordanians support Osama bin Laden in 2003

Pew Global: 51% of Palestinians support Osama bin Laden
54% of Muslim Nigerians Support Osama bin Laden

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda

World Public Opinion: Muslim majorities agree with the al-Qaeda goal of Islamic law.
Muslim majorities agree with al-Qaeda goal of keeping Western values out of Islamic countries;
(Egypt: 88%; Indonesia 76%; Pakistan 60%; Morocco 64%)

ICM Poll: 13% of Muslim in Britain support al-Qaeda attacks on America.

World Public Opinion: Attitude toward Osama bin Laden:
Egypt: 44% positive, 17% negative, and 25% mixed feelings
Indonesia: 14% positive, 26% negative, 21% mixed feelings (39% did not answer)
Pakistan: 25% positive, 15% negative, 26% mixed feelings (34% did not answer)
Morocco: 27% positive, 21% negative, 26% mixed feelings
Jordanians, Palestinians, Turks and Azerbaijanis. Jordanians combined for: 27% positive, 20 percent negative, and 27 percent mixed feelings. (Palestinians 56% positive, 20% negative, 22 percent mixed feelings).

Pew Research (2010): 49% of Nigerian Muslims have favorable view of al-Qaeda (34% unfavorable)
23% of Indonesians have favorable view of al-Qaeda (56% unfavorable)
34% of Jordanians have favorable view of al-Qaeda
25% of Indonesians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden (59% had confidence in 2003)
1 in 5 Egyptians have "confidence" in Osama bin Laden

Pew Research (2011): 22% of Indonesians have a favorable view of al-Qaeda (21% unfavorable)

Gallup: 51% of Pakistanis grieve Osama bin Laden (only 11% happy over death)
44% of Pakistanis viewed Osama bin Laden as a martyr (only 28% as an outlaw)

Zogby International 2011: “Majorities in all six countries said they viewed the United States less favorably following the killing of the Al-Qaeda head [Osama bin Laden] in Pakistan”

Populus Survey: 18% of British Muslims would be proud or indifferent if a family member joined al-Qaeda.

Policy Exchange (2006): 7% Muslims in Britain admire al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups.

Hurriyet Daily News / Metropoll (2015): 20% of Turks support the slaughter of Charlie Hebdo staffers and cartoonists.

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Informal poll of Saudis in August 2014 shows 92% agree that Islamic State (ISIS) "conforms to the values of Islam and Islamic law."

Right there.

That one says it all, whether or not "radicals" have "hijacked a world religion." 92% of Saudis, the heart of Islam, say that even ISIS conforms with the values of Islam.

Would that Barack Obama could read this poll. Or even cared what the actual truth is.

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Muslim opinion on the 9/11 Attacks


al-Arabiya: 36% of Arabs polled said the 9/11 attacks were morally justified; 38% disagreed; 26% Unsure

Gallup: 38.6% of Muslims believe 9/11 attacks were justified (7% "fully", 6.5% "mostly", 23.1% "partially")

Pew Research (2011): Large majorities of Muslims believe in 9/11 conspiracy

Violence in Defense of Islam


40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified. (Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

Center for Social Cohesion: One Third of British Muslim students support killing for Islam

Policy Exchange: One third of British Muslims believe anyone who leaves Islam should be killed

NOP Research: 78% of British Muslims support punishing the publishers of Muhammad cartoons;

NOP Research: Hardcore Islamists comprise 9% of Britain's Muslim population;
Another 29% would "aggressively defend" Islam;

Pew Research (2010): 84% of Egyptian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
86% of Jordanian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
30% of Indonesian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam
76% of Pakistanis support death the penalty for leaving Islam
51% of Nigerian Muslims support the death penalty for leaving Islam

ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for religious or political ends acceptable.

Terrorism Research Institute Study: 51% of mosques in the U.S. have texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% have texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% have no violent texts at all.

Pew Research (2013): 76% of South Asian Muslims and 56% of Egyptians advocate killing anyone who leaves the Islamic religion.

Pew Research (2013): 19% of Muslim Americans believe suicide bombings in defense of Islam are at least partially justified (global average is 28% in countries surveyed).

Pew Research (2013): 39% of Muslims in Malaysia say suicide bombings "justified" in defense of Islam (only 58% say 'never').

Die Presse (2013): 1 in 5 Muslims in Austria believe that anyone wanting to leave Islam should be killed.

Motivaction Survey (2014): 80% of young Dutch Muslims see nothing wrong with Holy War against non-believers. Most verbalized support for pro-Islamic State fighters.

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Sharia (Islamic Law)

83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates

Center for Social Cohesion: 40% of British Muslim students want Sharia

ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK

GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state

NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)

World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
49% (plurality) of Indonesians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country

World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”

Pew Research (2010): 77% of Egyptian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
58% of Jordanian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
36% of Indonesian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
82% of Pakistanis favor floggings and amputation
65% of Nigerian Muslims favor floggings and amputation

Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers

Pew Research (2013): 72% of Indonesians want Sharia to be law of the land

Pew Research (2013): 81% of South Asian Muslims and 57% of Egyptians suport amputating limbs for theft.

Pew Research (2013): According to an interpretation of this study, approximately 45% of Sharia supporters surveyed disagreed with the idea that Islamic law should apply only to Muslims.

Economist (Pew 2013): 74% who favor Islamic law in Egypt say it should apply to non-Muslims as well.

WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 65% of Muslims in Europe say Sharia is more important than the law of the country they live in.

FPO (2014): 43% of Islamic teachers in Austria openly advocate Sharia law over democracy.

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Honor Killings


Turkish Ministry of Education: 1 in 4 Turks Support Honor Killings

Civitas: 1 in 3 Muslims in the UK strongly agree that a wife should be forced to obey her husband's bidding

BBC Poll: 1 in 10 British Muslims support killing a family member over "dishonor".

Middle East Quarterly: 91 percent of honor killings are committed by Muslims worldwide.

95% of honor killings in the West are perpetrated by Muslim fathers and brothers or their proxies.

A survey of Muslim women in Paris suburbs found that three-quarters of them wear their masks out of fear - including fear of violence.

1 in 5 young British Muslims agree that 'honor' violence is acceptable.

Pew Research (2013): Large majorities of Muslims favor Sharia. Among those who do, stoning women for adultery is favored by 89% in Pakistanis, 85% in Afghanistan, 81% in Egypt, 67% in Jordan, ~50% in 'moderate' Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, 58% in Iraq, 44% in Tunisia, 29% in Turkey, and 26% in Russia.

Pew Research (2013): Honor killing the woman for sex outside of marriage is favored over honor killing the man in almost every Islamic country. Over half of Muslims surveyed believed that honor killings over sex were at least partially justified.

(2013) Jordanian teens support honor killing.

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Muslims have highest claimed disability rates in the UK (24% of men, 21% of women)

2011: 16% of UK prisoners in 2010 are Muslim (Muslims comprise about 3% of the total population)

Pakistani Muslims in the UK are three times more likely to be unemployed than Hindus. Indian Muslims are twice as likely to be unemployed as Indian Hindus.

Policy Exchange: 1 in 4 Muslims in the UK have never heard of the Holocaust;
Only 34% of British Muslims believe the Holocaust ever happened.

Policy Exchange: 51% of British Muslims believe a woman cannot marry a non-Muslim
Only 51% believe a Muslim woman may marry without a guardian's consent

Policy Exchange: Up to 52% of British Muslims believe a Muslim man is entitled to up to four wives

Policy Exchange: 61% of British Muslims want homosexuality punished

NOP Research: 62% of British Muslims do not believe in the protection of free speech;
Only 3% adopt a "consistently pro-freedom of speech line"

ICM Poll: 58% of British Muslims believe insulting Islam should result in criminal prosecution

Pew Global (2006): Only 7% of British Muslims think of themselves as British first (81% say 'Muslim' rather than 'Briton')

Policy Exchange (2006): 31% Muslims in Britain identify more with Muslims in other countries than with non-Muslim Brits.

Die Welt (2012): 46% of Muslims in Germany hope there will eventually be more Muslims than Christians in Germany.

Ipsos MORI: Muslims are 3 times as likely as Christians to believe that their religion is the only way.

Pew Research (2011): Muslim-Americans four times more likely to say that women should not work outside the home.

Pew Research (2007): 26% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (43% support assimilation)

Pew Research (2011): 20% of Muslim-Americans want to be distinct (56% support assimilation)

Pew Research (2011): 49% of Muslim-Americans say they are "Muslim first" (26% American first)

Pew Research (2011): 21% of Muslim-Americans say there is a fair to great amount of support for Islamic extremism in their community.

ICM Poll: 11% of British Muslims find violence for political ends acceptable

Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment.
45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).
12% of Muslim-Americans believe blaspheming Islam should be punishable by death.
43% of Muslim-Americans believe people of other faiths have no right to evangelize Muslims.
32% of Muslims in America believe that Sharia should be the supreme law of the land.

Pew Research (2013): "At least half' of Muslims surveyed believed polygamy is morally acceptable.
"Muslims in most countries surveyed say that a wife should always obey her husband." (including 93% in Indonesia and 65% in Turkey).
Only 32% of Muslims in Indonesia say a woman should have the right to divorce her husband (22% in Egypt, 26% in Pakistan and 60% in Russia).

Die Presse (2013): 1 in 3 Muslims in Austria say it is not possible to be a European and a Muslim. 22% oppose democracy

WZB Berlin Social Science Center: 45% of Muslims in Europe say Jews cannot be trusted.

I went on at length posting the links, just in case the original site disappears later.

But that very clearly establishes what the consensus of opinion is, among both the collective Islamic world, and among muslim immigrants to the U.S., Canada and Europe.

And what it clearly establishes is that despite what Barack Obama has been saying the last few days about terrorists "hijacking" the religion of islam, waging violent jihad terrorism worldwide IS representative of Islamic religion and sharia law. To at least a vast minority, if not a majority of muslims worldwide.

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Mediaite: Rape Crisis in Europe

  • One of the more harrowing stories out of the New Year’s Eve celebrations from around the globe came out of the country of Germany. Just weeks after German Chancellor Angela Merkel was distinguished by TIME as being the person of the year — largely for her willingness to open German borders to migrant refugees — the country saw a shocking number of reported rapes and sexual assaults. By reports, over 1,000 men allegedly terrorized females in various German cities on New Year’s Eve.

    German police, stunned at the turn of events that developed with increased frequency over a number of hours, called the unprovoked attacks “a completely new dimension of crime.” A prominent German police chief was shortly fired thereafter for his perceived mishandling of the threat.

    But it would seem that Germany is far from the only European nation to see a severe and horrifying spike in sexual assault violence in recent weeks. The Daily Mail is now reporting that assaults have been carried out in Sweden, Finland, Austria, and Switzerland as well; in the city of Kalmar, Sweden along, 15 women has reported sexual misconduct to local authorities.

    The police spokesman for Kalmar, Johan Bruun, told the Daily Mail, “We are aware of what happened in Germany but we are focusing our investigation on what happened in Kalmar.”

    The effort on the ground in Germany by law enforcement has been significantly ramped up since news of the New Year’s attacks made front pages of the international media. 31 suspects have been detained by federal officers; many of the individuals across all of these countries have been identified by authorities as asylum seekers or migrants from places like Iraq and Northern Africa.

    A German refugee worker revealed, “The perception of refugees has changes with each new incident like this. Most people used to have sympathy for them, but that is changing, you can see it in people’s attitude and hear it in the way they talk about foreigners.”

    According to the Daily Mail, members of Austrian police have also been accused of allegedly covering up a series of attacks in the city of Vienna.

Why is it that Dave and MEM love these people so?

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Telegraph: Iraqi migrant admits raping boy in Austrian pool after having 'too much sexual energy'

  • An Iraqi migrant has admitted raping a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria because he had not had sex in four months and it was a “sexual emergency”.

    The 20-year-old man is accused of attacking the boy in a cubicle of the Theresienbad swimming pool in Vienna, telling police he had “followed his desires”.

    The victim had to be hospitalised following injuries inflicted by the suspect, who worked as a taxi driver after arriving in Austria via the Balkans in September, and who has a wife and daughter back in Iraq.

    After the attack, the suspect left the cubicle and went to enjoy himself by springing from the three-metre-high diving board while the victim alerted a lifeguard, Austrian newspaper the Kronen Zeitung reported.

    An ambulance was called immediately and police arrested the man at the pool.

    He told police during interrogation that he knew he had made “a huge mistake” and that he had left a “big scar on the boy”.

    But he said he had “followed his desires,” adding: “I haven’t had sex for four months.”

    The man explained that before coming to Austria he had been with a woman in Iraq who wasn’t his wife, who he said had been constantly ill since the birth of their daughter.

    In Austria, he had “not withstood not having any sex because he had a marked surplus of sexual energy”, he said in interrogation.

    The man said he knew that having sex with 10-year-old boys was “forbidden in any country of the world”, the Kronen Zeitung reported. The man is currently in custody.

    The attack took place on December 2, but police said they did not release details to “protect the victim”.

    But police have now officially announced the details of the crime after reports emerged on Facebook, with the Kronen Zeitung reporting the incident in December following unofficial confirmation.

    But Thomas Keiblinger, spokesman for the state police in Vienna, denied any suggestion that details of the crime had been withheld from the public over concerns of fuelling anger among the Austrian population because the suspect was a newly-arrived refugee.

    That the man was a migrant “played no role whatsoever”, he told the Kronen Zeitung.

    In Austria there were 126 convictions for rape in 2014, 58.7 per cent of which were committed by Austrian nationals, while 34.9 per cent were committed by non-EU citizens, according to the country’s federal agency for statistics.

There are dozens of similarly horrifying stories, but there's too many for me to find the time to post, and I don't want to cop out by just leaving a bunch of links. Suffice it to say, more women and children are getting raped everyday because Islam is a disgusting philosophy, with an accompanying culture, and Muslims are awful, grotesque people. Despite this fact, Europe's MEM-endorsed EU elitists and their lapdog governments do nothing to stop such injustices, and--in fact--keep them under wraps when they can get away with it.

The dreary reality here is that these well-to-do and innocent, if herbivorous, Europeans are being placed on the sacrificial altar of cultural Marxism--to the sole benefit of the globalist elite.

And guess what: this shit is coming straight to our doorstep. Hoo-ray.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

Resident of Calais speaks. This is the death of civilization

Buchanan called it in 2002:

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Machete wielding attacker wounds 5 in Ohio restaurant owned by Israeli

Police in central Ohio shot and killed a man who stormed into a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab. The man was wielding a machete and randomly attacking patrons, authorities said.

Police were called to the Nazareth Restaurant on the northeast side at about 6 p.m. EST, after reports an armed man was attacking people in the building.

The owner of the restaurant, Hany Baransi, is an Israeli Arab originally from Haifa, according to his daughter Rachel Joy Baransi.

The suspect fled and police caught up with him about five miles away, authorities said. He was armed with a machete and knife and lunged at a police officer before he was fatally shot, media said, citing law enforcement officials.

At least five people inside the Middle Eastern-food restaurant were hurt, including one person who was in critical condition, officials said.

The suspect had walked into the restaurant and argued with an employee before leaving, returning with the machete a short time later and attacking customers, police said.

Just the latest, from a machete-wielding devotee of the Religion Of Peace.

Preceded not too long ago by the San Bernardino Shooting, by two other muslim immigrants.

And by Muslim immigrant sexual assaults on German women

And similar widespread violence by muslim immigrants to pretty much every European nation.

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German left-wing politician gang-raped by immigrants is "unbelievably sorry" for being raped and for "racist society"

  • A 24-year-old woman, and speaker for the German “Left Youth” party was gang-raped by 3 immigrants on January the 27th, in the city of Mannheim.

    German police are still carrying out their investigation, but on January the 30th, the woman, wrote an apology on Facebook, addressed to the immigrants who allegedly raped her. Here’s a few excerpts from the now-deleted post:

    “Dear male Refugees, you are probably my age. Probably a few years younger. Maybe older. I am so terribly sorry! I did not see what happen before and I did not experience your grueling escape.”

    “I am glad and happy that you made it here. That you have left the IS and its war behind and that you didn’t drown in the Mediterranean sea. But I fear that you are not safe here.”

    “Burning refugee centers, violent attack on refugees on the street and a brown mob in the streets. I have always fought against this situation.”

    “I wanted an open Europe, a friendly one. One in which I like to live, one in which both of us are safe. I am so sorry. For both of us I am so unbelievably sorry.”

    “You, you are not safe because we live in a racist society. I am not safe, because we live in a sexist society.”

    “But what I really feel sorry about is the case that the sexist and borderless acts that I suffered will lead to you being exposed to more and increasingly aggressive racism.”

    “I promise you that I will scream. I will not let it happen anymore. I will not sit idle and let racists and concerned citizens turn you into a problem.”

    “You are not the problem. You are no problem at all. You are a beautiful human being that deserves freedom and security as much as anyone. Thank you for your existence and nice to have you here.”

    Wow! Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you: brainwashing. This is insanity! This is not the mind of a rational person..

    Just recently, an Austrian woman’s 10 year-old son was raped by an Iraqi immigrant and she apologized to her children for telling them to “welcome refugees“ – she woke up and realized what’s going on.

    But some people are just too far gone…

This is the mentality we're dealing with. Absolute tolerance and accommodation, absolutely. Fucking fucked the fuck up.

Just yesterday, if I were to make a satirical joke about something like this happening, lefty fucks would have rehashed phrases like "exaggeration" and "slippery slope". Now here we are. Watch MEM and his ilk ignore this shit.

Last edited by Pariah; 2016-02-13 11:59 PM.
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60 people killed in blast during Pakistan Easter Celebration

Watch as the world yawns at Christians being slaughtered for their beliefs.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
60 people killed in blast during Pakistan Easter Celebration

Watch as the world yawns at Christians being slaughtered for their beliefs.

Didn't you get the talking points memo, Pariah?

All the Islamic genocide that happens worldwide on an almost daily basis can't be criticized, according to Obama, because hundreds of years ago Europeans did some "questionable" things in the name of Christianity?

Obama scolds Christianity over condemning Islam(the insulting "high horse" speech)

So those 200,000 Christians that were murdered in the last year alone, that means nothing in the face of "bigotry" toward muslims. Muslims who are, in fact, the ones actually killing people.

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Alas, too fucking little, too fucking late.

You can't suddenly start getting ornery when the enemy is standing on your very doorstep. That needs to happen prior to the incursion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to see that Swedish communities are finally telling their corrupt politicians "enough with the bullshit", but I'm not convinced they're willing to take the necessary steps to do anything about these injustices. Sweden's leaders should have been executed by roaming citizen groups well over a decade ago.

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Cuck my shit up, fam!

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah

German mom has multicultural encounter with son's muslim friends

Cuck my shit up, fam!

It's the same as here in the U.S.:
Police and federal agencies treat illegal immigrants better than they treat taxpaying citizens. And more than that, EVEN WHEN CRIMES ARE REPORTED, the government and liberal media do their damnedest to pretend it never happened.

Sherrif Arpayo on the crime rate among illegal immigrants

Crime spike in Germany puts pressure on immigration policy(PBS News Hour)

Germany surrenders to islmaic immigration

At 7:15 into the video, the narrator powerfully says; "Germany surrenders to muslim demands, even before any demands are made."

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England bans its own flag to avoid offending muslims

This perfectly defines the core of the problem. We expect muslims to do what they do, when they immigrate to Western countries. The true problem is the misguided weakness and self-loathing of western leaders, who are in a position to demand muslims should either assimilate or leave.
But leaders who instead apologize for superior Western cultural values, and destroy their own cultures from within, in some perverse redefinition of racism and multiculturalism, and one-sided caricature of "fairness".

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BBC: Calderdale gang jailed for grooming and abusing girls

  • Fifteen men who "systematically" groomed and sexually abused teenage girls in Halifax have been jailed.

    They were convicted of child sex offences including rape, grooming and trafficking during three separate trials at Leeds Crown Court.

    Prosecutors praised the "immense courage and bravery" of the two victims who gave evidence against the men.

    The longest sentence passed was 25 years in what was described as a "complex and lengthy operation".

    The gang of men abused a young girl in Halifax and Bradford between 2009 and 2011, the Crown Prosecution (CPS) said.

    Another victim was also sexually assaulted by one of the gang members.
    'Largest' investigation

    Peter Mann, head of the complex casework unit at the Crown Prosecution Service for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: "These men are responsible for a range of crimes involving child sexual exploitation and abuse.

    "One victim was sexually assaulted in a car.

    "The second victim was groomed, and systematically exploited by the older men she associated with. Some of her abusers acted together as a group, grooming her and plying her with drink and drugs. Others took advantage of her individually."

    West Yorkshire Police said the abuse was first reported to its officers in 2012 by the victim, who was then aged 15 and living in Halifax at the time. A second girl who came forward gave evidence against another gang member.
    Background: The victim

    The main victim in the case was 13 years old when she was first abused.
    The girl was said to have come from a chaotic family background who had become addicted to drugs and alcohol during the period of the attacks, which stopped in 2011.
    She was eventually taken into social care.
    Now 21, she is living a new life with a baby, miles away from Calderdale.

    The force said the case was "the largest and longest running investigation into child sexual exploitation in Calderdale".

    "It led to a major investigation with police conducting nearly 60 hours of interviews with two victims. Detectives also processed 1,848 statements, 2,963 exhibits and more than 20,000 items of disclosure," police said.

    In total 25 men were charged. During the trials four defendants were cleared by a jury while three others were acquitted on the orders of the judge.

    Mr Mann described it as a "complex and lengthy operation" and said the girls had shown "immense courage and bravery in reporting these matters to the police and in providing evidence".

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MEM is deeply offended.

But only because they weren't grooming young boys.

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Daily Mail: Wheelchair-bound woman is gang-raped by six migrants at Swedish asylum centre after asking if she could use their toilet

  • (…)

    "He said his client is unable to walk long distances and need a wheelchair. She was eventually able to escape the building.

    Six men aged in their 20s were arrested in the days that followed they were later released. Sweden's Expressen newspaper reported that the suspects were all asylum seekers and that the attack allegedly took place at asylum accommodation.

    Large crowds gathered in protest and marched in the town. The head of Gotland police Torbjörn Nilsson said: 'Gotland is safe, compared to other places, and there are few crimes compared to the rest of the country. But the way people have now acted is unprecedented.' "

5 immigrants Gang-Raped a woman in Wheelchair on Gotland island in Sweden this weekend.

Police interview them and let them go.

People protest.

Police send riot police to crush the protest and ferry the rapists off the island.

Police arrest man who videotapes the rapists and ransack his home and harass his wife.

INTERNET on Gotland is mysteriously out for two whole days.

In the new, Sweden gang-raping a woman in a wheelchair is fine but protesting against it will get you arrested.

The fact that they disconnected the island from the internet (probably to prevent it from being used to organize protests) worries me. This is new; I have not heard of Sweden disabling the internet in local areas to prevent/discourage protests before.

Alternative news sites:
Warning, Spoiler:

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Then of course, there was this...

MWN: Migrant Kids Sexually Assault and Bully 9 Year Old Swedish Girl, School Blame the Victim for Being “blonde and sweet.”

  • A 9-year-old White girl was repeatedly beaten, sexually assaulted, and emotionally tormented by a group of migrant children at her school. However, instead of reporting it to the authorities, the school decided to cover up the sickening abuse, giving outraged parents a 5-word, infuriating excuse.

    The parents of the young girl demanded answers after their child revealed the horrors she was forced to face on a daily basis. The child explained that she was regularly called “pussy” and “whore,” and subjected to beatings on the school playground and bus. The final straw came when she shamefully divulged how some of the students had pulled her pants down in the cafeteria and proceeded to grind sexually against her while the other children watched.

    “We got explained to us by a school staff that our daughter was blonde and sweet and so excited to embark on. She had a mind of her own and it made it even more fun for them,” the mother told Swedish Television News Sörmland. “My daughter was standing with a tray in the dining room. Then, they pulled down her pants and humped her while everyone watched.”


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 Originally Posted By: Aussie-Dave
The transition to globalisation is hurting people in the same way that the Industrial Revolution hurt people.

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'Treason' and the danger of dishonesty

In my speech to the Republican National Convention in July, I recited a list of terror attacks that had occurred in the previous 37 days.
This week, German special forces arrested a Syrian refugee who authorities said was on the verge of committing an attack similar to those we saw in Paris and Brussels. The foiled attack was one positive outcome, but it is again worth remembering the cascade of recent attacks in which our enemies have succeeded.

Consider the list of attacks just since my speech to the Republican National Convention in July.

Only a few days after that speech, an attacker pledging allegiance to ISIS blew himself up outside of a concert venue in Germany, wounding 12.

"Treason" deals with a traitor from within the U.S. government. But in fact, the real treachery is the willful blindness that prevents us from dealing with radical Islamic terrorism for what it is.

Two days later, in Normandy, France, ISIS attackers slit the throat of an 85-year-old priest and took nuns and parishioners hostage.

In August, we saw the first ISIS attack in Russia when men armed with axes and guns attacked traffic police in Moscow.

In Strasbourg, France, a Jewish man was stabbed by an attacker shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

In Toulouse, France, an Algerian attacker entered a police station and stabbed an officer in the neck.

In Germany, an attacker at a music festival screamed “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing and critically wounding an older married couple.

In Australia, a man screamed “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing a 21-year-old British backpacker to death, and fatally wounded a man who intervened to try to save her.

In Roanoke, Virginia, a Muslim man attacked and critically wounded a couple as they entered their apartment building, and authorities said they believed the attack was ISIS-inspired .

In September, an Afghan immigrant perpetrated multiple bombings in New York and New Jersey, wounding 29 people.

The same week, an immigrant from Turkey shot and killed 5 people in a mall near Seattle, Washington.

And finally, just last week, a man stabbed two police offices in Brussels, Belgium in an attack authorities described as terror-related.

Consider it honestly: How many of these incidents had you heard about? How many of those you’d heard about would you have remembered?

Our amnesia about these horrific attacks is a symptom of our failure to be honest about the nature of the threat we face. Our officials and our media elites behave as though they are isolated incidents, when in fact they are part of a clear and totalitarian ideology that is spreading across the planet.

The deceit and self-deception about this very real threat is the topic of my new book, "Treason," with my extraordinary coauthor Pete Earley. "Treasson" is a novel, so it is fictional, but for anyone who has been keeping up with the news, it bears a striking resemblance to the real world.

For example, "Treason" features a president who refuses to use the term “radical Islamic terror.”

It features an FBI and a Department of Homeland Security which, because of political correctness, won’t monitor mosques even when they are frequented by radical imams.

It features radical Islamist front-groups in the United States that lie about their intentions and try to intimidate those who speak out about the threat.

The fact that these details sound so familiar is a sign of why we are witnessing these accumulating atrocities--and why we remember so few of them just months later.

"Treason" deals with a traitor from within the U.S. government. But in fact, the real treachery is the willful blindness that prevents us from dealing with radical Islamic terrorism for what it is.

Without being honest about the threat and a major shift in strategy, the danger will only get worse.

Indeed, FBI Director James Comey recently warned of a surge of terrorists out of the Islamic State who seek to carry out attacks in Europe and the U.S. “At some point there’s going to be a terrorist diaspora out of Syria like we’ve never seen before,” Comey said. “We saw the future of this threat in Brussels and Paris.” He added that future attacks will be on “an order of magnitude greater.”

You’ve just read the list of terror attacks in the last 3 months. An “order of magnitude greater” would be ten times that many, and ten times as deadly. Such is the danger of continued dishonesty. That is the danger that led us to write "Treason."

Gingrich's list of just a few weeks of the most recent attacks, and the reluctance of the liberal/politically correct media in both Europe and the U.S. to report these incidents, and the suppression by Obama and other national leaders that prevents FBI and military leadership from neutralizing these threats, is a telling overview of the threat we face, and the danger Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and the shadow party they represent, are putting all of us in.

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 Originally Posted By: Pariah
 Originally Posted By: Aussie-Dave
The transition to globalisation is hurting people in the same way that the Industrial Revolution hurt people.

.... yes?

Any news stories on non-Muslims gang-raping people? Or are you just being selecti... no, that couldn't be right. Surely you wouldn't choose specific examples just to perpetuate your argument without considering a wider data pool or addressing counter-arguments?

Actually, here is an example. In Australia at present there is a Royal Commission (an independent judicial inquiry) into institutional responses to abuse of children with most of the attention being paid to Catholic clergy. The stories of systemic rape and abuse are horrific. One incident occurred at a Catholic church a block away from my house. By your logic, all Catholic clergy should be imprisoned or expelled from the country. The evidence is overwhelming that Catholic clergy repeatedly committed sex crimes against kids and the Catholic establishment tried repeatedly to cover it up either through denials, aggressive litigation, or by moving offending priests to different districts, where they would commit further offences against new kids. Its an institutional problem. (I hasten to add that testimony also came from secular government institutions, Anglican institutions and Jewish institutions.)

The logical fallacy is that the pool of Catholic offenders is small. It might even be disproportionately higher compared to the incidents of sex offences in the greater pool. But that doesn't mean that all Catholic clergy should be castigated, jailed or expelled from the country.

Pimping my site, again.

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Hal Lindsey broadcast, Friday 11-11-2016

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Sweden, the rising rape capital of Europe, with special thanks to Islamic immigrants. Rape is up over 1,000% since "multiculturalism" and Islamic immigration began. And neither the Swedish government or the Swedish media wants to report it.

Why trump is right about Sweden

And, once again, President Trump was portrayed as wrong by the media, but was actually right. And endeavoring not to turn the U.S. into another Sweden.

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A National Review article on the truck attack in London last year, that details the history of the attacker, a criminal who was converted to radical islam in prison, moved to Saudi Arabia for further radicalization , and moved back to the U.K. to carry out his jihad mission.

Andrew McCarthy snaps into focus the larger context:

There is diversity in Islam, including millions of Muslims who adhere only to its spiritual elements or see themselves as more culturally than doctrinally Islamic. But when we speak of Islam, as opposed to Muslims, we are not speaking about a mere religious belief system. We are talking about a competing civilization — that is very much how Islam self-identifies. It has its own history, principles, values, mores, and legal system.

Islam, thus understood, is not non-Western. It is anti-Western.


Like the conversion of Masood, the conversion of Birmingham [a city strangled in muslim no-go zones, essentially densely muslim-populated colonies within the larger city] has been a function of this defining Islamic attribute. Individual Muslims may assimilate, but Islam doesn’t do assimilation. Islam does not melt into your melting pot. Islam, as Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna proclaimed, is content with nothing less than political, cultural, and civilizational dominance.

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