Originally Posted By: Pariah
Did you marry an SJW or what?

realized I never did give you an honest answer. so I will.

I honestly never cared about stuff like this. I have a Y chromosome; it doesn't affect me, you know? I felt like feminism as a whole had overstayed its welcome, buncha leftard pinko harpies coattailing on what was probably a legitimate social movement several decades ago for the sake of political expediency. sure, things probably aren't perfect for women, but things aren't perfect for anyone, so why lose sleep over it?

well, ain't it a sonofabitch, but not only is there a woman sharing my last name, but now there's a little girl running around my townhome who looks disturbingly like me and is gonna grow up to be - shockingly enough - a woman. not only do I have to be concerned about individuals other than myself, I actually have to be cognizant of what they and other women in our society go through on a daily basis. and the more I learn, the less I like.

look, I'm still nowhere near a feminist, and I disagree with what a lot of current gender theory espouses. but if you look objectively at situations just like this, women are getting blamed for decisions they didn't make and are being threatened with not just violence but the most abhorrent expressions of violence, more or less because they're women and it's just programmed into us at a cultural level that there are just some things women should know better than to do.

long story short, I don't give a flying fuck what it does to gamer culture or the hallowed institution of game journalism. I don't want my daughter growing up in a society where she's viewed and treated as less than in any way by virtue of her gender, and that outweighs my concern for the quality and content of video games I get to play by orders of magnitude. if that puts us at odds, it's nothing personal, but since you asked, that's why I'm not concerned about the same aspects of this issue as you.


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