Originally Posted By: Pariah

[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: Cracked sent me an email a few days ago
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: The same day Zoe issued her article, to be exact
[9/18/14 12:43 AM] moot: They told me they are strong supporters of the Social Justice Movement, and are through sitting behind while the harassment goes on
[9/18/14 12:44 AM] moot: They said if I didn't stop Gamergate on 4chan, they would write an article that "exposes" 4chan for the "true cesspit" it is. They're also going to basically get feminists to hack in and take down my site.

This is amazing.

I also love how Gamergate gives their enemies names that sound like awesome '90s shows (Ultra Morphin' Social Justice Warriors, White Knight Attack Force Squad Team 2999) while saying stuff like "we will wrap the world in fire" "we will turn our enemies into smoldering piles of ashes" and "bow down before Doom, Fantastic Fools!"