I'd never heard of Willie Nelson until I saw a movie in 1980 called The Electric Horseman starring Robert Redford and Jane Fonda. The soundtrack plays pretty much all my favorite Willie Nelson songs, and as I recall, was the first movie Willie had an acting role. It wasn't until years later when I saw it again that I realized the actor in the movie and the guy singing were the same guy!

Great movie too, by the way. The featuring role and music by Willie Nelson were just a nice plus. "Deep Throat" Hal Holbrook also has a minor role.

Like this one, many of my favorite movies are way off or barely on the radar as far as critical acclaim. Some of my other favorites are Three Days of the Condor (also with Redford, and by director Sydney Pollack), It Could Happen To You starring Nicholas Cage and Bridget Fonda, Meet John Doe starring Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck, Nicholas and Alexandra, and Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis and Madeline Stowe.