l only have two issues with the casting.
Firstly having The Joker in it. He has no place in the Squad and negates having Harley on the team. Hopefully he will have some other role than being a member of the team.
The other issue I have is with Will Smith. I actually like his movies, and think he is a good actor but I am sick to death of the constant need to change white characters into black characters. They could so easily have used a character like Bronze Tiger for Smith, but no, they have to go with the age old "token" race change. It started with Kingpin in Daredevil (or to be more specific Harvey Dent in Batman), and since then its been Iris West in the Flash tv show, Johnny Storm in the upcoming FF film, Heimdall in Thor, Sarah Essen in Gotham etc etc.
Why cant they just stay true to the original character and bring in an actual character from the comics who was ethnic? Imagine how it would be perceived if Storm, Luke Cage or Falcon were cast as white people. Change for the sake of being PC adds nothing to a film or show, and actually comes across as even more racist than not having someone of colour (like Speedy) in the role.
The FF one is pathetic though, as the brother and sister part of the team are no longer 100% brother and sister. Thats just fucking with shit for the sake of fucking with it.

I will still probably enjoy the film, but shit like that just bugs me.