But most of those characters are concepts, rather than having physical attributes.

Bond is an interesting case in point. He is definitely male (a woman wouldn't work - even a lipstick lesbian with a ferocious sex drive would be off concept), British (not Scottish, Limburgh you arse), a spy, and a patriot. Making Bond black is only PC in so far as it suggests that a black guy can be just as patriotic to the British crown as any white guy. Which, while not a bad message to be sending to Islamised Englishmen of subcontinental origin, is a stretch: may as well have Elba play 003, a more senior agent in the 00 division, who dies patriotically for Queen and Country, if you wanted to communicate that message.

Would Batman work if he was black? Warren Ellis tackled that with Simon Spector, and it worked well. No reason why Bruce Wayne couldn't be a black guy in a movie, other than it would be jarring to an audience used to a white guy.

Perry White was a black guy in Man of Steel: don't know if there was any kerfuffle about it and I barely noticed it.

Could Black Panther be a white guy? Nope, same reason why Tarzan would not work as a black guy. Ethnicity is fundamental to the story.

So am I bothered that Deadshot, one of my favourite characters in Suicide Squad, is being portrayed by a black guy? Nope. Honestly, the character is more obscure than Perry White, 99 out of 100 people in the audience would not know that Floyd is a white guy in the comics.

Pimping my site, again.
