If you're into Disney musicals where the characters sing along to lyrics that don't rhyme, then this annoying piece of shit film is for you.

When I went to see this film on the day of it's release, at the conclusion quite a few audience members clapped. I can't get what I missed. Maybe just musicals have their own form of enchantment?

Quite a high body count for a Disney movie. And one of Cinderella's sisters mutilates her foot, just like in the old Grimm Brothers tale, so she can fit the slipper, which was unexpected.

One thing in the entire movie was awesome, and that was Chris Pine as the Handsome Prince, who is a slimy egotist. His song, "Agony", where he tears open his shirt so we can see his heart in pain, was hilariously self-absorbed.

Pimping my site, again.
