Andrew Klavan often appears on Mediabuzz on Sundays with Howard Kurtz.

He hits on several issues we've hit on here before.

1) the liberal bias of the news media
2) the liberal bias/indoctrination in our schools and universities
3) the liberal bias in movies and television entertainment
4) reporters have learned to lie about their liberal bias and now more often answer polls as "independent". But their political donations reveal them as 88% liberal despite their best efforts to project otherwise

5) conservatives volunteer more and are more financially generous than liberals (despite being portrayed by all the above media as heartless and selfish)
6) conservatives are smarter and more open to opposing views than liberals.

One that didn't fully occur to me before is that conservatives are more liberal, in terms of free speech, free thought and freedom from government regulation and censorship.
At some point in the last 70 years or so, Democrats successfully marketed that actual freedom isn't liberal, and that their brand of re-packaged Marxism is.