Originally Posted By: thedoctor
It depends on the reasoning for me. If it's just to be PC as the case with the FF movie clearly is, then that's bullshit. If it's because the best actor for the role performance wise just happens to be another race, as was the case with Morgan Freeman for The Shawshank Redemption, then that is okay. I think the casting of Smith may have been just as much about attaching a serious A list actor to the role to gain notoriety as much as if not more so than the PC reason. We'll see what is what with that if (when?) Smith backs out and they replace him.

But once again, they could easily have attached an a-lister like Smith in a role like Bronze Tiger. Instead they chose to insert him into a white man (Wonderboys favourite thing).
It just smacks of the same PC bullshit as FF.
And by all accounts, Smiths role is getting expanded all the time to the point that Tom Hardy has had his role reduced so much that he quit.

And lets not get started on the rumour that Rick Flag turns on the team at the end because his father is the main villain. Another rumoured reason why Hardy quit.