...this time it's my biological family. I've been in contact with them off and on since I was 21 and more consistently since getting married. I may have mentioned that my younger brother took his own life in a dissociative and probably schizophrenic episode close to two years ago. now, my birth mother is back in the hospital for the second time in as many months with the same one-two punch of pneumonia on top of COPD. while she's been in there, they've also discovered she's suffering from congestive heart failure, as well as type 2 diabetes because why the hell not? anyway, my sisters and I are pretty distraught over what she's going through. my sisters have a lot of regrets because they've spent most of their adult lives fighting with my mother - and each other - off and on over any number of little things. I feel a lot of anxiety because as you know I've had to face losing one parent already, and I also feel a bit of regret because I haven't had all that much time to get to know my birth mother or tell her I don't hold anything against her for the past. it's complicated. anyway, if you could please keep my biological family in your thoughts I'd appreciate it. thanks.


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