Anybody read this? It's an alternate take on Marvels, featuring an alt reality version of the journalist Phil Sheldon going on the same journalistic quest to document the rise of superheroes in the marvel universe.

Only in his universe, things got messed up and incidents that should have birthed superheroes actually turned them into abnormalities or just outright killed them. e.g. Bruce Banner turned into a cancerous green blob, Mystique developed MPD and exploded when she forgot to take her meds, Professor X became a president and waged war on the Avengers, Silver Surfer went mad and clawed his own lungs out, etc.

Maybe I'm reading it wrong but I felt like the comic was hinting that said universe took a wrong turn when Ben Grimm refused to pilot Reed's ship, resulting in Reed hiring Victor Von Doom, which effed up the mission and killed everyone. But I don't know why that would result in everything going to the pits.

It's written by Warren Ellis and it does feel like it belongs in Planetary.