I saw it this afternoon. Reviews aside, I was looking forward to it.

The Batman solo stuff was great. Affleck was a very good Batman. Irons was the best Alfred to date, hands down.

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman stole the movie. Too bad she was only in it for about ten minutes total.

The final battle/team up was a good action sequence (again, in large part to Wonder Woman ["I've killed monsters before...']).

Cavill plays Superman okay. He plays Clark very well in this one.

Unfortunately, the rest of the film was, at best, a hot mess and, at worst, actually boring in places.

Eisenberg's Luthor was every bit as bad as he looked in the trailers. The way the character was written might have worked if someone like Terry O'Quinn or Byran Cranston had the part but even then some of the dialogue they gave him was just cringeworthy. And Eisenberg is no O'Quinn or Cranston. In some ways he was so over the top he made Tommy Lee Jones' Two-Face look like Heath Ledger's Joker.

The cameos from the Justice League (and who thought that America was dying to have a Flash who looks like Kylo Fucking Ren?) were a joke. There were dream sequences for no good reason (other than needing some cool shots for trailers) and the attempt to meld both "The Dark Knight Returns" and "Doomsday" into a single storyline was clumsy.

At this point, I'm still willing to give the Wonder Woman film a shot because of what I saw of her here, and I'd be up for an Affleck solo Batman movie. However, that's about it. In fact, this movie dampened my enthusiasm for Suicide Squad.

All in all, they probably needed to do the Batman and WW solo movies, and maybe another Superman sequel, before they tried to give us BvS or a JLA movie. They just couldnt cram all the stuff they needed in this one and still make a good film.