With very few exceptions, I stopped caring about the "new" comics around 1993. But I still love the old stuff: Kirby, Neal Adams, Wrightson, Steranko, Kaluta, Rogers, Golden, etc.

I just hate the cocky overblown ultra-serious pretentious style in comics, and when that spills over into the movie versions of the last 20 years or so.

Some really great movie adaptations are the two Hellboy movies, 300, Sin City, the Phantom movie with Billy Zane, the Christopher Reeve Superman movies, the 1989 Batman movie, The Mask, Mystery Men, and a few others. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is one I actually thought was more engaging as a movie than the Alan Moore comic version was (but then again, Alan Moore is not the writer that he once was).
A few I can think of offhand.

I hated Iron Man.
I hated Avengers.
I hated the first two Spiderman movies.
I hated the Hulk movies (both recent versions).
I hated the X-men movies.
Since Reeve, I've hated all the TV show versions of Superman/Superboy, and can't bring myself to watch them, even for free on TV. Daredevil with Ben Affleck sucked balls.
In fairness, it's just not my style. But I often think (Iron Man in particular) the characters are just unlikeable jerks. For all the expensive special effects, I'm just bored with them, and think they're relatively unimaginative, relative to other movies out there.