Originally Posted By: Pariah
. But the salient points are as follows:

  • Throughout production, Wiig and McCarthy complain nonstop about the shitty script and direction. Sony forces them to sign more NDAs as a result.
  • A combination of studio leaks and the North Korean email hack reveals that Sony was/is using litigation and other strong arm tactics against Murray since he wants nothing to do with the flick.
  • The trailers hit. All hell breaks loose.
  • McKinnon, McCarthy, and Wiig are all too scared shitless to comment on the bad press after the trailer-release because they, themselves know it's shit.

It's really funny, but also really sad. Murray doesn't deserve this kind of treatment--at least not as far as I know.

McCarthy has a lot of start power now. She can go and work with someone else.

I wouldn't put up with NDAs in the course of a fixed-term contract which would already have non-disparagement clauses.

Pimping my site, again.
