I thought Trump's comfort with gay issues was pretty clear at the Republican convention, where he gave reference to the recent shooting in an Orlando gay night club. That was followed by enthusiastic applause by those present.
After which Trump responded that he was "so glad" to hear Republicans applauding solidarity with his support of those attacked at the club in Orlando, and of the broader Republican increasing acceptance of gays visible in their applause.

And really, I see Trump as a guy who was born and raised in the liberal hub of New York city, so I always thought Trump on this and other social issues was center-left, as the rest of New Yorkers are. As far as I know, he was always pro-abortion, and I think it was only to pass the well-known Republican litmus test on that issue that Trump recently took a more conservative stance and openly said he opposes abortion now. But I don't see that as an issue Trump will fight for as a priority while president, and that he will focus on more vital issues, clearly laid out in his campaign.