Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
I'm also a big fan of the Biblical movie-epics from the late 1950's and early 1960's, including:

The Robe
Ben Hur
The King of Kings

The Ten Commandments

Great movies, one and all. And all great Biblical representations, to get back to the roots of what the season is all about.

Hollywood classics I try to watch again, whenever possible. Especially during the Christmas season.

I'm watching Frank Capra's It's A Wonderful Life right now on USA, I got up a little early and it happened to be on. I looked in the guide, a little later today on TCM, they have The Robe (11 AM), Ben Hur (1 PM), King of Kings (5 PM) and later in the day some of my other Christmas favorites and Capra classics, Mr Deeds Goes To Town (8 PM) and Meet John Doe (3:30 AM) and later Mr Smith Goes To Washington (8 AM Monday).

That's one heck of a Christmas marathon. And except for It's A Wonderful Life, all commercial free and unedited, if you have the opportunity to watch or DVR them.