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Secret Service staff say guarding the former First Lady was 'the worst form of punishment,' author reveals in explosive new book

Her nasty treatment, her explosive temper and her imperious
attitude toward those assigned to her detail have earned former first lady Hillary Clinton the title of the most detested person under the protection of the Secret Service.

And as a result, agents are all too happy to keep Hillary in the dark about Bill’s buxom blonde love and her secret visits to their Chappaqua home, according to Ron Kessler in his explosive forthcoming book The First Family Detail, published by Crown Forum.

‘Agents say being on Hillary Clinton’s detail is the worst duty assignment in the Secret Service. Being assigned to her detail is a form of punishment.'

And her nasty attitude goes all the way back to early days at the White House when Hillary and President Bill Clinton stepped out of Marine One helicopter and crossed the lawn holding hands.

But that was all for show. Once they were out of the public eye, it was a scream fest between the couple.

In response to a cheerful ‘Good morning, ma’am’, by a former uniformed officer, Hillary’s response to him was ‘Fuck off’.

‘Hillary was so mistrustful and vengeful,’ a former agent told Kessler.

‘We were basically told, the Clintons don’t want to see you, they don’t want to hear you, get of the way’, according to a former Secret Service agent.

That means hiding behind drapes – anything not to be seen – and she was not to be spoken to as well when moving from one location to another in the White House, according to former FBI agent Coy Copeland.

She jumped all over agents working for independent counsel Kenneth Starr’s investigation of the couple’s involvement in the Whitewater real estate development deal.

And then she attacked one agent personally and suggested his suit looked 'cheap.'

Kessler maintains her mean spirited nature didn't end with agents.

White House deputy counsel Vince Foster, who committed suicide in June 1993, was on the receiving end of a virulent verbal attack by Hillary. She disagreed with a legal opinion he made and humiliated him in a meeting, stating he would never be more than a hick-town lawyer and wasn’t ready for the big time.

‘The put-down that she gave him in that big meeting just pushed him over the edge’, Copeland says. She blamed Foster for all of the Clinton's problems and stated he had failed the couple.

Foster was just one of many Hillary verbally attacked. She didn’t like law enforcement officers or the military, former Secret Service agent Lloyd Bulman stated. ‘She was just really rude to almost everybody. She’d act like she didn’t want you around, like you were beneath her.'

She went years without speaking to some agents.

While publicly courting law enforcement organizations, privately she felt disdain. She wanted state troopers and local police to wear suits and drive unmarked cars. No military aides could wear their uniforms in the White House. If agents driving her went over a bump, she’d swear at them.

Glad-handing on the road on her Senatorial campaign, when they arrived at a 4-F Club in the land of dairy cows in upstate New York, she saw cows and people in jeans. That enraged her and she asked a staffer, 'What the f*** did we come her for? There's no money here'.

She has a dual personality that changes when she’s not making a public appearance.

Running for Senate and on the campaign tour, she was appalled when they arrived at locations where the populace was poor. ‘What the fuck did we come her for’? she stated.

While Chelsea comes off as an angel, very cordial and sweet, Huma Abedin, Hillary’s deputy chief of staff at the State Department and traveling chief of staff during her campaign for the presidency, is considered as vile and rude as Hillary.

‘Huma looked down on the agents and treated them as second-class citizens’, a former agent stated. If she wasn’t recognized, she would say, ‘Do you know who I am’?

In response to her rudeness, they let her carry her own luggage – and the first lady’s luggage as well. ‘She’d have four bags, and we’d stand there and watch her and say, ‘Oh, can we hold the door for you’?

When Hillary is out of their Chappaqua, New York home, writes Kessler, Bill’s lover makes secret visits to [the Clinton residence, located] some thirty-five miles north of New York City.

Dubbed 'Energizer' by the Secret Service on duty, the mistress has shown up within minutes after Hillary's departure. Someone made a phone call that Evergreen, Hillary’s code name, was now out and the coast was clear for Bill’s lover.

Her figure looks great, but her bust doesn’t fit the rest of her figure; it is rather endowed’. Her breasts were ‘very perky and very new and full’. They appear enhanced and don’t match her face, according to the agents stationed at the guard gate who are instructed to just open the gate for her.

‘You don’t stop her, you don’t approach her, you just let her go in’. ‘I let her in many times at the front gate’, another agent confesses. Normally we held a driver’s license or other form of picture ID when visitors were in the residence. Not so in her case’.

Sometimes she brought homemade cookies for the agents, wearing a low cut top and leaning over giving them a full view of her amplified cleavage.

One agent sighted the former president and Energizer sitting on the swing at the back of the house sipping lemonade.

‘Wheels down’ is the forty-five minute warning for Energizer to make a quick getaway. Hillary’s plane has touched down at LaGuardia and she’ll be in Chappaqua directly. On one occasion, Hillary’s agent neglected to make the call to Old House Lane in time creating a scramble and a catastrophic near miss.

No agent in the service wants to be sentenced to Hillary’s detail – considered the worst form of punishment. They lay down their life for hers and there’s no respect for that.


The First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of the Presidents by Ronald Kessler and published by Crown Forum will be available on Amazon on August 5

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If I was one of these guys, and someone was pointing a sniper rifle at the Hildebeast, I'd just step out of the way!

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Secret Service agents hate Hillary Clinton assignment, book claims

WASHINGTON, Aug. 15 (UPI) -- A new book claiming to reveal behind-the-scenes details of the Secret Service says protecting Hillary Clinton is the worst assignment an agent can get.
"She is so nasty to agents that being assigned to her detail is considered a form of punishment," said Ronald Kessler, author of The First Family Detail, which pulls back the cover on the private lives of some of the most powerful people in the country.

Kessler, a veteran journalist with more than 20 books about the FBI, presidents, the CIA and of course, the Secret Service to his name, says the former first lady's treatment of her protection detail says a lot about who she is.

"It shines a light on her character," he said. "She claims to be a champion of the little people, and she's going to help the middle class. And, in fact, she treats these people around her, [who] would lay down their lives for her like sub-humans; and I think voters need to consider that."

But just being kind isn't enough to get the good will of agents, Kessler says he learned.

Vice President Joe Biden is "very nice to agents," Kessler said, but he exhausts his security detail making last-minute trips homes to Delaware, and has a "habit of swimming in his pool nude."

"He likes to skinny-dip both at the pool at his vice president residence in Washington and his home in Wilmington, and female agents are very offended by that," Kessler said. "And, in fact, you could make a case that it's almost sexual harassment."

Kessler's revelations go beyond the details of the lives of the protectees, writing that the agency's success record is more luck than preparation.

"Agents tell me that it's a miracle there has not been an assassination, given all this corner-cutting," Kessler said

"[An] example in the book is that, when Bradley Cooper went to the White House Correspondents' Dinner, a high-ranking Secret Service official told the detail at the Washington Hilton, 'Just let him in with his SUV' -- in this secure area where only Secret Service cars are allowed, and even they have to be screened for explosives. He was not screened; someone could have put explosives in."

The book, released last week, has been met by a wall of criticism, accusing Kessler of peddling false information.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan called the book "intellectually lazy and riddled with inaccuracies."

"We currently dedicate more personnel, funding and technical assets to our protective mission than at any time in our history and our protective measures and methods continue to increase in scope and complexity, not diminish," Donovan said in a written statement. "Comments attributed to our personnel, current or former, regarding their personal perceptions of Secret Service protectees, are just that -- their personal perceptions -- and should not be discussed in any forum."

The Clintons rereleased a joint statement slamming Kessler's book, along with two others published in recent months.

"We now have a Hat Trick of despicable actors concocting trashy nonsense for a quick buck, at the expense of anything even remotely resembling the truth," a spokesman said on behalf Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton. "It's an insult to readers [and] authors, and should be reserved for the fiction bin, if not the trash."

"Their behavior should neither be allowed nor enabled, and legitimate media outlets who know with every fiber of their being that this is complete crap should know not to get down in the gutter with them and spread their lies," the statement continued. "But if anyone isn't sure, let's strap all three to a polygraph machine on live TV and let the needle tell the truth."

The harsh words weren't limited to those criticized inside Kessler's pages. Marc Ambinder, an editor at This Week magazine, said the book has "a surprising number or weird inaccuracies that should lead Kessler to question the judgement of some of his own sources."

"Too often, Kessler seems to have listened to his sources, written their words down, and then simply printed as fact their allegations or observations without checking on them," Ambinder said. "I find that weird."

Some additional wonderfully salacious details in that second piece.

What does anyone expect the Clintons and liberal media to say? "Kessler's doing a great job"?
It's likely UPI's attempt to discredit the book is their way of saying "HILLARY 2016!!"

I suspect these agents were so free with the ugly details of the Clintons' lives precisely because they were consistently treated so badly by the Clintons. They've probably been more tight-lipped and loyal to presidents and first ladies who treated them better.

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From 2007:

Hillary is not the people-person that Bill Clinton is. And the star power of former president Bill Clinton campaigning for her (and for Obama as well in 2012) has done a lot to give her popularity that she would not otherwise have.

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Of even more concern:

The globalist Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission have undermined U.S. sovereignty and economic independence for decades. Exactly the kind of allies and bedfellows you'd expect an America-hating Alinsky-trained cultural marxist to have.

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Hillary's Security Detail Hated Her So Much That They Laughed When She Fell and Broke Her Arm

It's no secret that there is no love lost between Hillary Clinton and her security detail, but the intensity of their dislike for the woman who may become our next president is still a bit jarring. According to the New York Post, members of her diplomatic security detail while she was secretary of state hated her so much that they "privately snickered" after she fell down and broke her arm. The incident happened in the State Department basement in 2009, one of her former guards told the Post. Clinton, then 61, was on her way to meet President Obama when she took a tumble and ended up in the hospital with a shattered right elbow.

“We sort of got the last laugh. It was kind of like payback: You’re treating us like s–t. Hey karma is a b*tch! We were smiling to ourselves,” the agent told The Post on Wednesday.

But Clinton, who frequently behaved like a diva-in-chief, according to the agent, made it worse by pointing the finger at her detail for the mishap.

“She blamed us for breaking her elbow, saying it was our fault and we could have prevented that. She’s bad news,” the agent said.

The agent’s account backed up FBI documents released this week that showed Clinton’s protective detail despised her for treating them with contempt.

“When I first met her, we were given specific instructions: don’t look at her, don’t look at her general direction and if you need to talk to her, keep it short and stay out of her way,” the agent told The Post.

As PJ Media reported earlier this week, Clinton was so unpopular with State Department security personnel that some of them refused to work for her. According to FBI documents released on Monday, during Clinton's tenure many State Department security agents either left the agency or asked to be reassigned.

In contrast, the Post notes, "the security detail loved former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Clinton’s predecessor who served under George W. Bush."

“Condoleezza Rice was a true diplomat. She built a lot of rapport with her security detail. She would talk to you about family, football, she was one of the boys,” the agent said. “Hillary didn’t care. If you weren’t in her little inner circle — Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills – she wanted nothing to do with you.”

Edward Klein, the author of two anti-Hillary books, The Residence: Inside the Private World of the White House and Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary, was on Fox and Friends earlier this week to discuss the FBI report. He said Secret Service agents also hated Hillary when she was the first lady, because she was so rude and contemptuous.

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