Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
It is nothing less than the demographic annihilation of white America. For purposes of eliminating American nationalism by the globalist elites who control our government, pre-selecting our elected leaders through campaign finance, eliminating the one group that resists globalism, and defends our sovereignty and national identity.


 Originally Posted By: also Wonder Boy
We can only come together as a culture when our society is truly color-blind, and only considers performance.

I also said:

As I've said for over 10 years, I welcome anyone, from anywhere, who wants to leave their country and become an American, to assimilate, to contribute and be one of us. I don't welcome people who wave Mexican flags and want California or the entire U.S. southwest to be reclaimed by Mexico or become a separate nation. I don't want muslims who come here and want to maintain a separate identity (one hostile to the U.S., and to Western values in general). If they don't embrace an English-speaking, British-based, Christian-inspired western culture, embrace its Constitution and other history, that will not assimilate and learn the language, then let them return to the godforsaken third-world Latin-American barrios or mid-eastern caliphates they came from. LEAVE!


I frankly don't see why it is "good" to take a homogenous nation that is largely racially and culturally one ethnic group, and through massive influx of 1.1 million immigrants a year (only 17% of which is white) turn it into a multicultural/multiethnic tower of Babel, turn it into fragmented subcultures that each have their own news and entertainment, and barely tolerate each other. 50 years ago, we were the United States. Now we are Yugoslavia, Kosovo, Iraq. A divided mess of immigrant minorities who won't assimilate. Three days ago on Tucker Carlson's show, he interviewed a guy in California who is part of a movement to gather 550,000 signatures to have California secede from the United States and become a separate nation! Does that sound like a benefit of racial tolerance and multiculturalism to you?

In the >>>FULL CONTEXT<<< of what I said, I welcome people of every culture who want to come here, who want to become one of us, and assimilate into our culture. I don't welcome those, minority or European, who are part of a subculture that wants to remain separate, or seeks to actually overthrow and replace the mainstream of America. The mainstream is not a "white only" culture, it is the culture we all share. And it is alarming to me, those in the white liberal Obama/Hillary/Bernie Sanders wing of the mainstream, and their supporters in the Mexican/Hispanic expansionist/supremacist wing, and the black-centric wing, who want reparations, separatism, violent overthrow, to turn us into the Soviet Union with wealth redistribution and guaranteed income, or at best make us over into Socialist France. All these ideas are treasonous. We are the capitalist Constitutional republic of the United States, that has been the envy of the world for at least a hundred years, and no one who belongs here should want to change that.

It is a statistical fact that a majority of blacks, Hispanics and Asians absolutely will not vote Republican, no matter what the GOP does. The best ratio of Hispanics for a Republican president was George W. Bush in 2004 (44%), and it was still below 50%. That is a fact.
It is not a "racist" fact.
It is a FACT.

In the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's, I was much more "multicultural", for lack of a better word. I was proud to be part of a culture that was fully embracing of minorities, where universities and careers were open to everyone, and I felt we were moving toward a society that was like Star Trek, where we had one culture, that was shared by people of many racial backgrounds. I saw us in those years as all groups growing closer, more unified.
But increasingly I see cases like Rodney King (1991), O.J. Simpson(1994), and more recently Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, to name just a few. And as Pat Buchanan points out in DEATH OF THE WEST, despite the partisan media's wails of the threat of white racism, it is in fact (U.S. Justice Department annual statistics) blacks who attack whites at a ratio of 50-to-1 of the reverse. Stoked to violence by people like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Barack Obama, and cheerleader allies in the media like Anderson Cooper and Chris Matthews.
One culture is being attacked, and it is overwhelmingly whites who are being attacked by minorities. And self-loathing white-guilt liberals in the mainstream news media and entertainment culture are passively endorsing them do it, by not reporting it. The mainstream culture that does not defend itself guarantees it will be replaced by something else. And we are seeing it happen in my lifetime.

To be clear: I am not a racist. I welcome people of every race who share my values, and that's probably about 30%, possibly higher or lower, in every minority category. I joked to a few of my friends that I am not a racist or a white supremacist, I am a "Euro-preservationist". I'm not a white-only guy, but neither do I want to see European culture disappear and become a minority in the nations Europeans founded.
Because inevitably, in every civilization in history, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, , the Vandals, the Visigoths, the Huns, the Mongols, the Vikings, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Europeans, the Chinese, the Russians, every culture that could dominate another culture and exploit them, has done so.
When we are no longer the majority, we can expect far worse than under white/European colonialism's dominion of others. Even under colonialism, we brought literacy, medicine, industrialization and Western Democracy, and we more than any other culture have made amends and fully embraced the minorities we previously exploited in decades/centuries past.

But if you listen to the rhetoric of minorities of the Democrat/Left, their hatred for us is palpable, and we cannot expect equal treatment when they dominate. You've seen samples of it in the aftermath of the Rodney King verdict, and similarly --NATIONWIDE!-- the violence toward whites after George Zimmerman's acquittal, after Ferguson, MO /Michael Brown, after Baltimore, and many other racial incidents.

In California, you have Mexican-dominated towns that only want to transact city business in Spanish, who wave Mexican flags and beat up whites or others who display American flags, and as I said, who are gathering 550,000 signatures toward voting for California seceding from the United States.

If you don't look as a white person at a nation that was 89% white in 1965, that is 62% white now, and that is projected by a respected study and polling group to decline to 44%, And I'm sure only continuing to decline from there, then I really can't have a rational conversation with you. Because those are the facts. And as a person who, like myself, is of that group that is declining from 89% to 44% of U.S. population in a hundred years (largely due to immigration policy) as a sane person, that should alarm you.

As Buchanan points out, when the elements that create a culture disappear, it is inevitably replaced by another civilization. Rome ceased to preserve the elements that created it, and it was trampled on by the Vandals and the Visigoths. (Read the introduction to Buchanan's STATE OF EMERGENCY. The Roman elites welcomed the first Vandals and Visigoths in large numbers as a boon to their economy. DOES THAT SOUND FAMILIAR? Within 40 years, they had sacked Rome, and killed the emperor who welcomed them. Very familiar.)
As Europe, from the ashes of the Roman empire rose up as the Holy Roman Empire, with Christianity as its glue holding it together, now that its nations have plummeted to about 3 to 6% Christian, Europe has ceased to have a reason for existence, and is crumbling. Even more so than the U.S., Europe's population is crashing from low birth rates, and being replaced by muslims who will quickly destroy what's left of Christian Europe.
I believe, based on evidence, that this is orchestrated by European elites who are globalists and cultural Marxists. They WANT Europe to fall, so they can enact their globalist plans. Just as they want the United States to fall. Changing the demographics that preserve the existing order is precisely the way to do so, combined with indoctrination toward a new system in the schools and universities they already overwhelmingly dominate.

You narrowed the context to portray me as someone with an opinion that "creeps [you] out", or approaches creeping you out. You have a way of getting your digs without quite saying it directly. the same way you slipped in that "WONDER BOY AGAINST THE WORLD" dig, with the plausible deniability that you didn't quite say it.
But you really did, and you know it.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
If everyone who's left in the mix performs well enough, why should the "demographic annihilation" (which I'm assuming to mean the loss of the ability to brute-force our way through policy decisions through force of numbers)...

That is an infuriating mischaracterization. We are a civil society with equal protection under the law. It is Democrats/Liberals who are trying to circumnavigate the rule of law and overturn precedent to ram through their agenda (Roe vs. Wade, Obamacare, the attempts to intimidate and bully electoral voters not to complete the electoral college election of Trump, suppression of free speech of conservative speakers nationwide at lectures and universities by angry liberal mobs.) What an insulting and dishonest reversal of the ACTUAL liberal/minority suppression of any law or speech they don't like!

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
...of any particular ethnic group matter? Your statement above implies that only "the one group" is defending our "sovereignty and national identity".

Again you misrepresent my views to be "white only". I've said that "I welcome anyone, from anywhere who wants to assimilate and become one of us". And I've said that as long as I've been on these boards.

And as I've said a few times in recent months, the Democrats since at least the Vietnam war have been the party that is weak on national defense (as during the Iraq war, in the examples of Sen Dick Durbin: U.S. soldiers in Iraq are comparable "to Nazi storm troopers", Sen John Kerry: "I was for the war before I was against it", and the Democrats trying to de-fund the Iraq war to force a withdrawal of U.S. troops, to name a few examples of Democrat treason.)

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
At the very least that's horrifically diminishing the contribution of other ethnicities, especially black Americans, to our national defense for most of our history (the first victim of the Boston Massacre was Crispus Attucks, a black man), which is somewhere between a hasty oversight in the rush to make your point (and we've all done that) to a willful exclusion of much of the reason we still have a nation within which to form an identity.

Since the Vietnam War, the Democrats have been the party that is soft on military defense, and arguably the party of treason.

Ann Coulter argues that goes back to the Truman years, where they were soft on Communism, and the Truman administration allowed communists to infiltrate and steal secrets at many of the highest levels of our government. Democrats derisively called it paranoia and "McCarthyism".
But after the Soviet Union fell and the Kremlin records were opened, records showed that there WERE communist spies everywhere in the U.S. government in the Truman years. Including, by the way, Frank Marshall Davis and the parents of Valerie Jarret, who all were Stalinists under FBI surveillance, and worked for Soviet front organizations and newspapers in the United States, aiding the Soviets. If you failed to see the obvious, these were close mentors of Barack Obama.

Despite your best efforts to portray me as a racist, that is quite obviously not the case. Herman Cain, Condoleezza Rice, to a large extent Colin Powell, Crispus Attucks (since you brought him up), Michelle Malkin, Larry Elder and many others are my patriotic brothers and sisters in arms.
Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Alcee Hastings are the enemy trying to destroy the nation from within. Not because of their race, but because of their ideology, that attempt to exploit race and turn it into a weapon. It is an unfortunate fact that voting statistics indicate that is an effective weapon that identity politics has motivated blacks, Hispanics and Asians to vote overwhelmingly Democrat. ( i.e., for the party that is the chosen tool of the globalists who seek to sweep away our sovereignty.)

What possible logic could begin to explain turning the U.S. from 89% white to 44% white in a century?
Where only 17% of immigration is white/European? What possible explanation for that could exist, other than to demographically change America and marginalize whites? Because that is precisely what is happening. And the miracle that Trump won, against these overwhelming demographic odds, and how crazy-radical, uncivil and violent the Democrat/Left has gone, only makes my point about the new (Leftist, increasingly non-white) majority's lack of respect for the institutions that are the bedrock of what our nation is. It is an argument for re-thinking bringing in more third-world immigrants. As Trump has voiced.

I'm for a system that either suspends or vastly lowers immigration for at least 10 years, and reviews all 200 or so nations we've received immigrants from ovewr the past 50 years. And evaluate based only on their ability to fully assimilate (not race), giving favored status to immigrants from nations that assimilate the best, and near- impossible-status to those who statistically over decades have not. In categories such as taxes paid, learning English, pursuit of higher education, business creation, military service, welfare usage, consumption of public benefits, crimes committed, how many are in prison, and unpaid medical bills. Those who are statistically a burden get weeded out.
Those who assimilate and benefit us, get in.

Countries like Japan, South Korea, China, the Phillipines, despite not being white, assimilate the best.
Those from Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, assimilate the worst.

 Originally Posted By: Sammitch
The truth is that a plurality of our most important technological innovations and societal and military accomplishments, and the vast majority of what could be considered uniquely American art and popular culture, were and are the work of minorities and immigrants. Either you're overlooking a sizable chunk of what defines our actual national identity, or you're inadvertently (or deliberately) conflating it with a racial identity in ways that are starting to really creep me out. I'm really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and I'm trying to give you another perspective on how you're sounding on topics like this, so don't take this as a WONDY AGAINST THE WORLD line of questioning, okay?

"A plurality"? That's overstating it a bit. Steve Jobs is/was white. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg are white. I'll grant that many are minorities or immigrants.
And why am I strawmanned into saying that?
I have no problem with LEGAL immigrants. Only that percentage of immigrants who do not assimilate, and through their ideology divide and hurt us as a nation.

Albert Einstein was a European/Jewish refugee/immigrant.
Oppenheimer, a European immigrant.
George Soros, a treasonous immigrant.

And again, why do I need to even defend this point? It's so obvious, to someone not trying to "gotcha" me with a false characterization: I welcome immigrants of all races who assimilate, contribute, and become one of us.
You list immigrants who contribute. I agree. Let them in. But let's have a better merit-based immigration system, and let in less immigrants, so we verify those we let in are assimilating and not a danger. And let in more who share our values and aren't going to radically transform America, or end up subsidized in prison or on welfare, or as Marxist professors.

You know who else were immigrants? The Frankfurt School, that is the root of cultural Marxism, 1960's radicalism, William Ayers, Wade Rathke, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton, and probably Bernie Sanders as well. We let them in, in the late 1930's, letting them escape Nazi Germany and avoid being killed. They repaid us by attempting, and arguably succeeding, in destroying America as we once knew it.
And perhaps over the next few decades, will have succeeded in destroying it completely.