Conservative Treehouse

  • You’re referring to a ‘Budget’.

    This is Not A Budget!
    This is an Omnibus Spending Bill…which is different.

    The President is directed by the Constitution to adhere to a Budget that Congress approves.
    A ‘spending bill’ is not the same as the Federal Budget.

    Ozero spent, or didn’t spend, the money from all those Omnibus Spending Bills, on whatever he wanted to.
    And Congress didn’t do a thing about it!

    What happened to all those “shovel ready jobs”?
    What happened to the “Infrastructure” that Congress appropriated money for?
    Ozero didn’t spend the money on those things, did he.

    He also spent money on things that weren’t appropriated…like all that SWAT Gear and Ammo for all those govt agencies that aren’t supposed to armed like military forces.

    Ozero was never bound by a Budget…because Congress never passed one during his 8 years!
    That’s why he was able to spend money on whatever he wanted to.
    Or… not spend money on things he didn’t want to see funded.

    And Congress didn’t do a thing about it.

In short, the DEMs just handed Trump $1.3 Trillion with no obligation toward the lefty agenda.

Incidentally, Obama did the exact same thing during his terms. Karma's a bitch I guess.