There is no disputing the statistics of this, and that it is the calculated plan of Democrats to torque up Third-World immigration, to replace white voters (who are less inclined to vote Democrat) with non-white immigrants (who vote 66% to 95% Democrat).

The change began with immigration reform in 1965. At that time, the United States population was 89% white, 10% black, and all other groups comprising the remaining 1%.
Currently, of the 1.1 million green-card immigrants admitted every year, only 18% of immigrants are white. As planned by Democrats, the white-voter population drops another 1% to 2% every 4 years. Mitt Romney in 2012 won a higher ratio of white voters than Ronald Reagan, and it was pointed out at the time that if the U.S. population was as European as it was under Reagan, Romney would have won an overwhelming landslide victory.

I've taken heat for pointing out these facts before. But it is an absolute fact that the U.S. population that was 89% white in 1965 will be an estimated 44% by 2060, a drop by more than half in less than a century. Why is it "racist" to point out these facts, and not racist to orchestrate this decline in population.

Ann Coulter on Lou Dobbs' program tonight said that "If we reign in immigration, all other problems in the U.S. become a lot easier to deal with."

It is a liberal/globalist/cultural Marxist objective, to import a foreign electorate to vote the way they want them to. Vote against U.S. nationalism, to unsecure our borders, and import a population that has no loyalty to this country, and therefore looks with indifference on the destruction of its sovereignty and economic independence. Just as globalists/liberals are doing in Europe, just as globalists are doing in Canada, and worldwide. Quebec would have voted to remove itself from Canada and become an independent nation, if not for massive Third-World immigration to Canada. The new electorate there did not share the nationalist identity of French Quebec citizens, and fulfilled the globalist desire to keep Quebec in Canada.

Tucker Carlson's program has recurrently followed the story of Third-World immigrants rapidly changing the U.S. overnight. From sanctuary cities that obstruct law enforcement and endanger U.S. citizens, enabling drug trafficking and gangs and other crime, to seizing jobs and lowering wages, to voter fraud of illegals who illegally register to vote because it is unlawful to check their citizenship status, to simply overwhelming the local population of cities with majorities that suddenly outnumber the Americans who have been there for over 100 years.
It is precisely the plan of Democrats to overwhelm Republican states that have small populations, with immigrant populations who will turn them to Democrat majority states.

This report from Tucker Carlson, 31 minutes into the program, on the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania that is now a Hispanic-majority city, where a majority in the town don't even speak English! :

Carlson focuses on the irony of politicians converting towns they don't live in, while the cities they live in remain white-majority with few minorities. "As if it were still the 1950's."

If Trump gets a second term, I'd like to see it put on the ballot if U.S. voters want immigration in its present form, or would vote to suspend it or reduce it to 200,000 to 300,000 a year, to allow the current waves of immigrants to be fully assimilated.

As the U.S. did until 1965.

To cease using immigration as a weapon to get a permanent Democrat-voter majority, to crush American sovereignty and reign us into a global system.