Colbert Audience Cheers Decline in White Numbers

Bill Moyers, shown in the last 30 seconds with Colbert, is heavily funded by George Soros. Through his position with PBS, Moyers oversees a number of series and documentaries under the veil of journalistic neutrality, but loads his programs with progressive advocates and propaganda.

The goal of immigration, both legal and illegal, that is only 18% European, is to wipe out the white majority and replace it with the cattle that vote Democrat. The Democrat/Left could not convince the nation to support their leftist agenda in decades past, so now they are overwhelming the nation, importing a foreign electorate, people of color who will vote the way they want.

And as this video discusses, as Buchanan discusses in his book, once Whites (and Asians) are a minority, they can impose any wealth redistribution burden they want on white voters, to transfer that wealth to blacks and hispanics. Precisely what is driving 200,000 people a year to flee California.

The Political Correctness model, that is also being used in places like Venezuela, Bolivia, Brazil and Argentina, to rally minorities under the Leftist banner by demagoguing whites in their nations, to "take back" their nations from European colonialists. And buying their votes with government freebies. As California, Venezuela, and Brazil and Argentina are collapsing, so is the future of the United States, if the demographic takeover continues at its present rate.

The Marxist rose, by any other name.