Enemy of the State(1998) is another movie in the same vein, that could be seen as either a sequel or a remake of Three Days of the Condor. With the advances in surveillance technology updated in this version.

In 1998, the surveillance tracking might have still been fantasy over-reach, but from the time of Edward Snowden, it is clear that level of surveillance is now possible, and then some. And again an example of the Deep State (not yet called that in 1998) that pursues its own agenda rather than that of the people or its elected leaders. The assassination at the beginning of the movie of someone who stood in the way of their legislation was quite disturbing.

I recall back in 1996 when a former CIA director died in a boating accident, and I wondered at the time if the accident was in truth an assassination. Certainly with events in recent decades, it makes one think twice about such occurrences.