Virtue Signalling

Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values.[1] The term was first used in signalling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue—especially piety among the religious.[2]
In recent years, the term has become more commonly used as a pejorative by commentators to criticize what they regard as empty or superficial support of certain political views, and also used within groups to criticize their own members for valuing appearance over action.[3][4]

I've heard the term a lot in the lest few weeks. Laura Ingraham is the last one I heard use the term, in the context of Democrat posturing over the immigration debate. That they have demagogued Republicans as callously indifferent to the plight of illegals and DACA children. But in fact from 2006 on through the Obama years, when Democrats had control of the House, Senate and the Presidency, they never passed law or made a priority of dealing with the problems regarding immigration.

Within the last 6 months, Trump offered the Dems a great deal that would have taken immigration off the table as an issue, but generous as it was, Democrats refused it, as Trump knew they would. Because Democrats' priority is not solving the immigration problem, but keeping their Hispanic voter-base fired up and angry, in a way that they can scapegoat Republicans for the problem.

I still find virtue signaling not the clearest of terms, but essentially posturing virtuousness, without actually following through and doing the right thing.