I hope they lose, because at every stage they've demonstrated themselves to be malicious and ruthless, to fit the definition of evil.
1) Smearing Brett Kavanaugh and attempting to destroy his life just to block his nomination,
2) stoking violence and militant intolerance at every turn (and then incredibly blaming Trump for the toxic rhetoric),
3) Democrats' endorsement of illegal immigration and sanctuary cities for years, that has led to the mob of 14,000 illegals marching up to our border through Mexico, that if successful will be followed by wave after wave of similar mobs of illegals, in the tens of thousands.

4) Literally hundreds of incidents of Democrat violence against Republicans, mixed with plenty of other Democrat imtimidation and uncivility toward Republicans, that the Democrat leadership openly stokes and encourages.

5)Through George Soros and other elements of the radical Democrat/Left, literally trying to overthrow our constitutional democracy, to reign us into a North American Union and global government, where we cease to have contol of our own sovereignty and ability to militarily defend ourselves. As I've seen best laid out in THE SHADOW PARTY by David Horowitz and Richard Poe. Groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the Open Borders movement perfectly mirror previous Soros-funded pseudo "grassroots" insurrections in countries like Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, former-soviet Georgia, Kyrzygstan, Poland, Belorussia, Croatia and other eastern bloc and former soviet nations. The insideous revolutionary techniques Soros refined and used to overthrow these nations, he is now unleashing on the United States. And the Democrats are his eager and willing partners, his instrument of choice.

6) as I cited above, Project Veritas' exposure of multiple Democrat candidates' openly lying to their voters, intending to do the opposite of what they campaign they will do. And the staffers for these Democrats are (as caught on video) not only very aware of it, but gleefully proud of the deception by their party.

The Democrats deserve to lose. Your party is run by destructive maniacs and leftist radicals. Your party needs to lose, and lose badly, so that the current leadership is humiliated and burned to the ground, and from the ashes hopefully replaced by saner heads. It has the militant radicalism of the Bolshevik party, and it absolutely has to be destroyed.