Tucker Carlson, 11-5-2018

Carlson's entire show last night was outstanding, but especcially about what the real issues are. 1) Immigration is the most important issue because it determines what our nation will be in 5, 10, 20, or 40 years. Or if Democrats and their globalist masters will be successful in importing a foreign electorate to vote against our national interests. 2) The stock market for the weaalthiest have grown over the last 15 years, while the middle class and poor have declined economically. That in spite of establishment corporate/globalist maajorities in both parties, Trump is the first in at least 2 decades to advance the best interests, and incomes, of the middle class and poor. 3) Nationalism vs. globalism. Slandered as nativist and nazi, Trump's focus is simply defending U.S. national interests over globalist interests that Trump's four predecessors were selling us out to.

Ann Coulter's commentary after was both insightful and hilarious.