Despite Democrats winning a narrow majority in the House, I'm immensely pleased overall with the mid-term outcome.

Rick Scott unseated Bill Nelson.

Ron Desantis beat Andrew Gillum as Florida governor.
Kemp beat Abrams as Georgia governor.
(The last two unsuccessful Democrats among the most corrupt and race-baiting since Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama. Wonderfully, their political futures were just killed in the womb.)

Beto O'Rourke defeated by Ted Cruz, despite the Democrats pouring over $80 million into the effort to defeat Cruz, the most expensive Senate race in U.S. history.

McSally beat Sinema for the Arizona Senate.

All the most far-Left Democrat candidates, all the race-baiters, all the Democrat slanderers who went after Kavanaugh, all the most unprincipled Democrats who (and their staff) knowingly lied to their voters about intending to do the opposite of what they campaigned promising and gloating about it, laughing at their own voters (on video, thank you Project Veritas!) and were exposed, ALL of them lost yesterday.

Right now, the final count not quite done, it looks like the Dems have the narrowest of House majorities at 219, while the Republicans appear to have gained a 54-seat Senate majority (52 confirmed, plus 2 leading but "too close to call").

And all the governors and then some that I hoped would win.
With a modest victory in the House, the Democrats can pull off some harassing of Trump, but still have no real power. And if they go as crazy-Left with impeachment and other caampaign-vowed House investigations of Trump, they will just play right into Trump's hand for the 2020 election.