God, unbeleivable.

Since Tuesday when the results were clear and Republicans had beaten Democrats:

1) Stacey Abrams (after unsuccessfully trying every other dirty trick and race-baiting slander during the election) is challlenging governor-elect Brian Kemp's victory in Georgia alleging election fraud. When you can't win legitimately, burn public confidence in the election process to the ground.

2) In the two Florida races:
Incumbent Sen Bill Nelson, who was narrowly but soundly beaten by Rick Scott in the Senator race, and Andrew Gillum who was beaten by an even larger margin by Ron Desantis for governor, suddenly days after the election see their margins threatened or possibly overturned by fraudulent ballots appearing out of nowhere, with no legal chain of custody, all in Broward and Palm Beach counties, under a supervisor of elections with 18 years of known vote-tampering schemes. Rick Scott, who won with a margin of 60,000 votes on Tuesday, has seen his margin drop to a 15,000 vote margin. With more manufactured "newly discovered' ballots emerging to be counted.
How any Democrat could endorse this as legitimate is a beyond belief.

3) In Arizona, where Martha McSally had narrowly beaten leftist nutjob Kyrsten Sinema, suddenly a few days after the election, "uncounted" ballots have again come out of nowhere, and in this case the margin was narrow enough that Sinema is now has a 30,000 vote lead, with more newly-emerged uncounted votes left to be counted.

Mighty suspicious, that after-the-fact in ALL these close battleground states, ballots after the fact have surfaced to reverse the election result, and in each of these 3 the result is to overturn the election in the Democrat candidate's favor. And in each case, the votes have an unclear chain of legal custody that reeks of vote-tampering.

I also just saw an interview of Andrew Pollack, the father of one of the girls killed at Stoneman Douglas High school, who was protesting outside the Supervisor of Elections' office in Fort Lauderdale (OAN, One America News). Pollack said this just manifests another spectacle of the Democrat corruption that has a stranglehold over Broward county (schoolboard commission, sherrif's office, supervisor of elections, county commissioners). He said that he spoke to prison officials, and they told him that for the first time Democrat activists had come into the prisons to do voter drives, allowing incarcerated criminals to vote from prison, and signed their address as the penitentiary. And that one of the prisoners who just registered and voted was the guy who killed his daughter. Just obscene.

Democrats once again proving they are the party of corruption. Score another victory in sheer audacity for the Bolsheviks of the Democrat party.