Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Do some reading and the lag is in mail in ballots and provisional ballots. I'm guessing it's not going to change the results in Florida but we'll see where the vote totals are after the counting is done in razor thin election. Love seeing Trump lose his shit vs the initial sad spin the fat piece of shit always spews.

If the votes were following a legitimate legal "path of custody" I'd believe that. But witnesses who attemtped to videotape it saw a truck appear in the dead of night with no legal escort from the Sheriff's office to assure the votes were not tampered with. and thugs told those videotaping they were violating security by videotaping it. It appeared to be a rental truck and not a legitimate state election vehicle (i.e., Democrat vote tampering, delivering fraudulent votes to be counted in the thousands).

Add to that the multiple rigged previous elections in the Broward and Palm Beach country supervisor of elections office. Or at best, highly questionable and muddied by incompetence. But I lean toward rigged, since the "incompetence" always favors the Democrat side.

Add to that the lawyer representing the Democrats is the same lawyer who helped Al Franken cheat to win in Minnesota. Where Coleman had beaten Franken by several hundred votes, and Dems just whipped votes out of thin air to hand the election to Franken.