As Hannity pointed out, the supervisor of elections in Broward County, Brenda Snipes, has irreversibly corrupted the ballots, mixing legitimate and corrupted votes.
And there iss a consistent pattern of this kind of corruption in Broward in virtualy every election since 2002.

Governor Desantis and Senator Rick Scott were the clear winners 6 days ago on election day. Then 100,000 votes just magically appeared out of nowhere, with no legal chain of custody (i.e., fake manufactured ballots to corrupt the election in favor of the Democrats) were poured in to change the result.

Rep. Rick Gaetz was outside the Broward elections office when a truck pulled up unloading boxes of ballots. Armed thugs prevented him from even filming the unloading of ballots. He is a U.S. Representative! They didn't want it filmed because it was not legitimate. Hannity tonight showed the footage taken of the thugs guarding the truck before Gaetz and his associates were forced to leave.
If what the armed thugs were doing was legitimate, they wouldn't fear footage that could incriminate them.