There are plenty of buffonish gaffes by Obama, Hillary, Bill Clinton, Biden and other Democrats that the media selectively omits coverage of. The media exaggerates Trump's gaffes, and buries and hides his achievements.

Even in the example of Trump in Germany and with Putin that you cite as an example of Trump's being "exposed as a buffoon" I pointed out that the media merely portrayed it that way, as if one clumsy sentence was the sum total of what occurred there. I corrected the record, that Trump accomplished a great deal that the liberal Newspeak media will never give him credit for.

Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are actually equal time, in their montages of Demcorat gaffes that you would never see on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS or PBS. Many times I've posted articles here of things that were reported in British media that were not reported in the U.S. [liberal] media. Although BBC, The Guardian, and so forth are likewise liberal media. Not Democrat, perhaps, but certainly anti-American, particularly on the Iraq war and other U.S. military issues.