One last Republican victory.

The Mississippi runoff senate election last night again went against the liberal narrative of being a close race (despite CNN and other liberal media's best effort to smear Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith, attempting to racialize a non-racial remark.,_2018

Against the liberal narrative, and of CNN and other liberal networks acting as an extension of the DNC press office, Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith won handily, roughly 54% to 46%.

And her bomb-throwing Democrat rival I'm especially pleased to see hurled into the dumpster of history, as he was another black demagogue (like Florida governor candidate Andrew Gillum, like Georgia governor candidate Stacy Abrams, like evil SOB, woman-beater and black muslim pal of Louis Farrakhan, Rep. Keith Ellison). With Barack Obama, he was elected in 2008, it was his non-threatening moderate image he was elected on, as a "post racial president" whose election would prove the nation had moved beyond racism and racial politics. Elected even by a majority of white voters for this reason.
High hopes destroyed when the Saul Alinsky-trained demagogue instead governed as a radical, and with frequent racially divisive (Alinsky tactics) rhetoric, that actually splintered and racially divided America rather than healing it.

I'm so glad that the worst of these demagogues who would gone on to be the next generation of Obama-type race baiters, were all defeated. I hope that mad-dogs like Kamala Harris, and Maxine Waters (who supplied a lot of the racial kerosine that stoked the Rodney King verdict L.A riots in 1992, testimony to how insane the voters in her district are) receive similar treatment in future elections. Unfortunately, the Democrats have plenty more leftist maniacs warming up for Nov 2020. The Bolshevik party they have become have not learned their lesson.