That seems to be a recurring Democrat talking point when the Democrat loses, to say that the Republican won by a smaller margin. Which of course ignores the damage of exceptionally vicious Democrat lying propaganda, and the unprecedented additional millions Democrats have poured into these campaign races to attempt to unseat these Republicans, such as Beto O'Rourke's $100 million war chest (the most expensive in Senate campaign history!) to defeat Ted Cruz.
And Cruz still won.
In many cases, despite Republicans being outspent, being carpet-bombed with negative ads, despite corrupt elections supervisors, and despite race cards being whipped out of nowhere every whichway, the Republican still won!

Shades of Donald Trump in 2016.

I'm not even sure I can agree that Cindy Hyde-Smith said anything wrong. I forget the exact remark, but speakign of a supporter, she said something to the effect that "I'd even go with you to a hanging!" The inteneded meaning being, a hanging is a very undesireable event to go to, but I like you so much, I'd even go with you there. Any racial context has to be read into it. What Bill and Hillary Clinton said about "preserving our southern heritage", and Hillary's close association and praise for former KKK member Senator Robert Byrd. And Bill Clinton starting his career as the protege of a Democrat racist governor.

In light of all that not even getting any coverage from the liberal media, nit-picking and selective outrage about an anbiguous at best remark by Cindy Hyde-Smith seems rather vindictive and petty.

It reminds me of balck race-baiter Andrew Gillum straining to pull the race card on now-governor Ron Desantis (R-FL), where Ron Desantis simply said the economy in Florida has been going well for 10 years of pro-growth Republican rule under Jeb Bush and then Rick Scott, and that "I don't think we want to monkey around with that." Which Gillum portrayed as a veiled racist remark of Gillum being black and a monkey. I can't even beieve black voters would buy that reach, on a very common non-racial phrase. Likewise Cindy Hyde-Smith, it was an interpretation in both cases that neither Hyde-Smith or Desantis could in advance have ever imagined possible.