Originally Posted By: WB



Nugent has been particularly critical of President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying they "should be tried for treason & hung".[102]

At various times he has labeled Clinton a "worthless bitch"[103], "toxic cunt", and "two-bit whore for Fidel Castro".[104]

That's all arguably true!

Everything alleged without proof about Trump (over 2 years of investigation, no proof) is actually proven treason by Obama and Hillary. And only by Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr and company sabotaging and destroying the evidence and the case are Obama and Hillary not prosecutable.
(Clinton Foundation pay-to-play, Hillary's illegal e-mail server that compromised national security every day she was secretary of state, lies and cover-up PROVEN about the Benghazi attack, that compromised the 2012 election, illegal FISA warrants, unmasking Republican names in FISA transcripts, weaponizing DOJ/FBI and the FISA court against Trump, weaponizing the IRS against Republicans, the Hillary campaign buying information on Trump directly from the Russians...)

Not advocating hanging them, but certainly prosecuting them. Not on wild speculation, but on the clear evidence.