I was looking at a book listing...
...and for categorizing the book they have some evaluation categories:

HOUSEBOUND with Rick Geary

North American Publisher / ISBN
Fantagraphics Books - 1-56097-050-2

Release date: 1991
Format: Black and white
UPC: 9781560970507

Contains adult content? no

Does this pass the Bechdel test? no

Positive minority portrayal? no

And one of the criteria is "the Bechdel test". What the hell?
So I looked it up:


Pardon me while I throw up.

I think it's safe to assume that's criteria that doesn't matter to anyone except the most far-left liberal basket cases.

It actually annoys me because 1) Rick Geary's work in this case evaluated is fun lighter work, and instead of evaluating it "no" it should be evaluated "n/a" or not applicable since it's irrelevant to the type of story being told.
2) Rick Geary is a left-coast California hippie kind of guy who probably agrees with their agenda and would never marginalize women, so this irrelevantly defames him for arbitrary reasons as anti-women/anti-feminist.
3) Most of his stories are basically narrated without showing a man or woman, or giving any dialogue to either gender.
It's just ridiculous.