False Things You've Been Believing About Star Trek

I actually learned some things watching this. Such as that there was a planned 1977 tv series with a dozen or so scripted episodes, before it was scrapped in favor of making the first 1979 movie.

And that two 1977 characters in the scrapped tv series were recreated in the characters of Decker and Ilia (the bald chick) in Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
And then again as Ryker and Deanna Troi in the 1987 Next Generation series! Where the previously rejected Vulcan character from the 1977 series who wanted to feel human emotions was recreated as Data.

Plus other stuff. Someone spent WAY too much time counting how many red and gold-shirted crewmembers died across 79 hours of episodes, and the precise ratios of red and gold-shirted crewmembers who were killed vs. their ratio of the Enterprise crew. Woah.