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Kick-Off Show


Match Announcers: Nigel McGuinness, Vic Joseph, Aiden English

The champion Murphy entered first for some reason, and the match started with a flurry of punches from both wrestlers. Murphy had Neese in a fireman’s carry position sat atop the top turnbuckle, then leapt off while launching Neese upward to land on the top ropes. Murphy then laid in some kicks and a chinlock to Neese in the middle of the ring. The wrestlers writhed around on the mat, and Murphy planted some vertical elbows to Neese.

Neese got to his feet and escaped the hold by ramming Murphy against the corner, then executed a suplex to Murphy into the turnbuckles. Neese laid in a series of punches before leveling Murphy with an enzuigiri. Neese had Murphy staggered and draped over the middle rope, face-up, allowing Neese to land a springboard moonsault across the exposed Murphy. Neese covered for a two-count.

Neese had a groggy Murphy sat on the top turnbuckle, then climbed up into the suplex position but Murphy reversed the attempt, back-kicked Neese in the face, then carried him off the turnbuckle and slammed him to the mat. Murphy set up for the Murphy’s Law, but Neese reversed and rolled Murphy into a pin and two-count. Neese then landed an inverted hurricanrana, spiking Murphy onto his head. Both wrestlers remained down.

The wrestlers exchanged a series blows, misses, and blocks once again. Murphy eventually got the upper hand with a big clothesline that turned Neese inside out, but Neese responded immediately with a modified buster that looked quite devastating. Murphy rolled out to ringside, and Neese flew over the top rope and knocked Murphy to the floor. He moved Murphy back into the ring and landed a 450 splash for a cover and two-count.

Neese ran at Murphy, now prone in the corner, but Murphy leapt up and intercepted Neese with a running knee. This allowed Murphy to land the Murphy’s Law on the stunned Neese. It led to a believable pinfall, but Neese got his boot on the bottom rope to stop the count.

Murphy ran at Neese but Neese was the first to strike with a superkick to Murphy’s jaw. He turned Murphy around and landed a German suplex, sending Murphy head-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Neese crossed the ring, then sprinted at Murphy, planting both knees into his opponent. Murphy slumped to the mat and Neese covered for the three count.

WINNER: Tony Neese by pinfall.

Plenty of nonstop action, as is expected. Despite there being nearly two hours before the main card begins, most of the crowd had filled in the seats near ringside and they responded quite well to the first Kickoff match. Fans of 205 Live should definitely check this out.


Match Announcers: Percy Watson, Vic Joseph, Renee Young

The majority of the participants made an unceremonious entrance, en masse, with generic music playing. Naomi and Asuka were the exceptions, getting individual entrances and their own music.

Cross and Asuka squared off early in the match, in a moment, that might’ve been significant in a non Kickoff situation. Asuka eliminated cross by bumping her off the ring apron.

Naomi and Moon were the next pairing to get featured competition in the middle of the ring, and Moon eliminated Naomi by executing a neck breaker over the top rope. Moon was eliminated by Lana while setting up on the top turnbuckle. Lana was sporting a new shoulder-length haircut and a Wonder Woman-inspired outfit.

The three members of Riott Squad combined their efforts to eliminate Lana. Sane landed her big elbow drop on Logan, but the Squad again teamed up to eliminate Sane. The Squad’s attention then moved their attention to Vega, Asuka, and Brooke. A brief “Dana Brooke” chant could be heard, and Brooke fended off all three members of the Squad before going on a small tear of eliminations.

Deville, Asuka, and Logan were the final three in the Royal. Asuka dominated both wrestlers with fast paced offense. Asuka eliminated Deville, then Logan tossed over Asuka, and began to celebrate. Carmela suddenly appeared from out of nowhere and desperately attempted to throw Logan over. After some back-and-forth struggling on the apron, Carmela knocked Logan to ringside with a superkick.

WINNER: Carmela by elimination.

Surprising that Logan was anywhere near the final grouping of women, but fitting that Asuka nearly went the distance. Carmela was comically pleased with her trophy that was awarded to her in spite of such a non-valiant effort. The match was wise to not run any longer than it did – there was no downtime like used to happen in Rumbles and battle royals of the past.


Match Announcers: Corey Graves, Michael Cole, Renee Young

Following with the Kickoff trend, the champions got to the ring first. Dawson started off against Hawkins, as Michael pointed out Hawkins’s 269-match losing streak. Dawson locked Hawkins in a side headlock, then fired off, ran the ropes, and rolled up Hawkins for a two-count. Dawson taunted Ryder on the apron, saying, “That’s your partner! Sorry!”

Ryder tagged in and locked up with Dawson. Dawson backed him into a corner and refused to give a clean break, landing two shots after the ref called for the split. Wilder tagged in and absorbed a drop kick from Ryder, then Dawson tagged back in to regain control. Wilder tagged in and landed an elbow drop to Ryder, who was draped over Dawson’s knee, Demolition-style. Wilder then locked an arm bar on Ryder on the mat, near the Revival’s corner.

Dawson tagged in and stomped Ryder’s hand against the canvas. Dawson raked Ryder’s face, planted a vertical elbow, then locked in another arm bar variant. Ryder got to his feet and executed a vertical suplex. Since this action was near the Revival’s corner, the stunned Dawson was able to quickly tag in Wilder to quell Ryder’s momentum. Wilder put another arm bar on Ryder, but Ryder got to his feet, spun round in circles and used the centrifugal force phenomenon to fire Wilder into the corner.

Ryder nearly got to his corner, but the Revival intercepted and brought him back across the ring. Wilder covered Ryder for a two-count, then taunted Hawkins some more. Wilder tagged in Dawson, then took down Ryder with a drop toehold, allowing Dawson to land an elbow drop. Dawson executed some of his heel moveset against Ryder, who was draped over the middle rope. Wilder tagged back in and covered for another two-count.

Ryder threw some desperate punches at Wilder, but Wilder took him down with a snap mare, then blew sarcastic kisses to the crowd before putting another chinlock on Ryder. Ryder eventually got to his feet and broke free with a back suplex, then finally made a hot tag to Hawkins while Dawson tagged back in. The fresh Hawkins immediately leveled Dawson and Wilder with forearms and drop kicks. He applied a backslide to Dawson into a pin for a two-count.

Dawson ran the ropes, and the wrestlers clotheslined one another. Ryder tagged back in and lined up for the Rough Ryder, but Dawson saw it coming and ducked beneath the move. Wilder tagged in, and Ryder suplexes him over the top rope, sending both wrestlers out to ringside. Hawkins rolled his partner in, then tagged himself in to quickly pin Dawson, but Dawson kicked out at two.

Outside of the ring, Dawson landed a brain buster to Hawkins. All four wrestlers were prone on the floor as the ref began the count. Dawson rolled Hawkins under the bottom rope then crawled in after him. A very loud “Let’s go, Hawkins!” chant resounded through the stadium. Dawson slapped at the seemingly unconscious Hawkins’s face, then Hawkins sprang to life to roll up Dawson with a surprise pin and three-count.

WINNERS: Hawkins & Ryder by pinfall.

A great tag match that featured the Revival working definitively heel. The Revival deserve better than a Kickoff match, which leads to the bigger question surrounding this match: Why was it moved from the main card to the pre-show? Also, does the Revival’s loss have anything to do with Wilder’s involvement in the antics involving Bret Hart and his in-ring attacker at the Hall of Fame ceremony?


The unnamed mass of Main Event-talent entered as one group, then the SNL duo got their own entrance. They walked slowly down the ramp, looking bewildered at the crowd, with images of their own faces imprinted on their tights. Matt and Jeff Hardy then entered to their own music, followed finally by Brawn Strowman.

The bell rang and chaos ensued. Che and Jost immediately departed under the bottom rope and rolled to safety beneath the ring. Harper and Strowman squared off in the middle of the ring, which got some reaction from the crowd, but the mass of other wrestlers quickly overtook their face off.

After a mostly-predictable series of mass eliminations, the field finally narrowed down to Strowman and both Hardeys. The Hardeys had Strowman set up on the apron in a double-suplex position, ready to launch him out to ringside. The SNL lads took this opportunity to slink back into the ring and aided the Hardeys in their efforts, but Strowman mule-kicked Che and Jost backward into the ring, then shoved the Hardeys off the apron to the floor.

Strowman slowly turned around the face the comedians as the crowd began to heat up. Jost asked for a microphone, and was met with boos. He told Braun, “There are other solutions. Not everything has to end in violence. That’s why I’ve invited my therapist. I want you guys to work through some of this anger.” A suited man approached Strowman and began speaking to him face-to-face. Strowman tossed the therapist across the ring, then choke slammed him before tossing him into Jost in the corner.

Jost yelled for Che to “Get him!” Instead, Che climbed over the top rope to escape but Strowman grabbed him by the shirt and slap him across the face and then down to the floor. This left Strowman alone with Jost. Jost dodged a big boot, which caused Strowman to get hung up over the top rope. Jost sprinted in to flip him up and over for the victory, but Strowman’s size was too much. Strowman backed off of the ropes and hoisted Jost up onto his right shoulder, then with a running start he launched Jost like a javelin over the top rope and onto the remaining crowd of wrestlers at ringside.

WINNER: Strowman by elimination.

The match was mostly predictable chaotic battle royal action, with a couple really cool eliminations. Che and Jost were handled appropriately by being absent for most of the action, and they each played their roles adequately in the match’s endgame. It was also a slick move to involve Jost’s “therapist,” no doubt a local wrestler, to take the more serious bumps from the angry Strowman. Nice job by everyone, for a match with mostly comedy elements.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(1) BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) vs. SETH ROLLINS – WWE Universal Title match

As soon as Seth stepped onto the ring apron, Lesnar charged with a knee to knock him to the floor. Lesnar bashed him on the floor and tackled him into the ringside barricade.

Lesnar then gave Set an F5 at ringside. Lesnar stayed on Seth, throwing him hard into the side of the ring next. Graves noted the match hadn’t officially started yet. He threw him into the German announce table. Then he threw Seth into announce table. Lesnar threw Seth into the ring and the ref checked on him to see if he could start. Lesnar hovered over the ref, who told him to back away. Lesnar stepped in and threw Seth over the top rope to the floor and then into the German announcers again. Then he threw him into the tabletop that was leaning against the announce table. Cole wondered if Seth would be able to continue. Lesnar threw Seth into the ring again. The ref checked on Seth again.

The ref called for the match to start as Seth nodded yes. Lesnar charged with a knee to the ribs and then shoulder drove into his abdomen a few times. Then he delivered a German suplex and yelled out “Suplex City.” He set up an F5, but Seth slipped out and shoved Lesnar, who knocked the ref down. Seth then gave Lesnar a low blow. Cole said that’s just like Monday night on Raw. Seth superkicked Lesnar in the face, then delivered three Stomps in a row. He scored the pin – 1-2-3. Cole called it one of the most shocking moments in WrestleMania history. Heyman got bug-eyed in the background as the ref counted three. Seth swung the belt over his head on the stage in celebration. Lesnar sat up with Heyman next to him and looked up in shock.

WINNER: Seth Rollins in 2:30 to capture the Universal Title.

Not much of a match at all, which is always disappointing. The story worked, though, in popping the crowd early. Fans were happy not so much with the match, but I think with the possible end of the Universal Title being around the waist of someone who they have been swayed to believe doesn’t want to be there. In the 2019 landscape, that’s not a productive type of heel heat.


Orton swung and missed early. Styles chopped away at him in the corner. Orton thumbed Styles in the eye and then dropped him with a dropkick. He then stomped away at Styles’s ankle. Styles came back with a high dropkick. Orton rolled to the floor. Orton knocked Styles hard off the ring apron and Styles flew into the barricade. Fans chanted “A.J. Styles!” Orton scored a two count back in the ring, then settled into his obligatory mid-match chinlock. Lawler said Randy threatened to run away from home once and his parents told him to put it in writing. Styles came back and set up a piledriver. Orton escaped and went for an RKO. Styles blocked it, but Styles then hit a snap powerslam for a two count. Orton set up a DDT off the middle rope. Styles blocked it and rolled up Orton into a Calf Crusher. Orton reached the bottom rope. Styles teased a Phenomenal Forearm. Orton teased an RKO, but Styles held up and Orton landed hard. Styles then landed a springboard 450 for a near fall. Orton came back with a backbreaker a minute later to take over. Orton gave Styles an uppercut and knocked him to the ring apron.

Orton then delivered a superplex. He crawled over and scored a one count. Orton then delivered a DDT off the middle rope. He looked to the crowd and raised his arms. He got a nice pop from a lot of fans. He circled the ring called for the RKO. Then he turned and stomped the mat, but Styles recovered and took Orton down with an enzuigiri. Styles rolled up Orton for a two count, but Orton popped up and hit the RKO for a near fall. Lawler said, “It’s over” just before the kickout. Orton set up a superplex next again. He shifted into position for an RKO off the middle rope. Styles dropped down and landed an enzuigiri. Orton fell to the floor. Styles then landed a flying Phenomenal Forearm off the top rope. He threw Orton back into the ring and went for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Orton blocked it. Styles knocked Orton throat-first over the top rope and then landed the Phenomenal Forearm for the win.

WINNER: Styles in 16:00. (***)

Good match. Of course, three stars. Orton, the B- Player, landed right at three stars here with Styles. It was fine.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(3) THE USOS vs. THE BAR (Sheamus & Cesaro) vs. RICOCHET & ALEISTER BLACK vs. SHINSUKE NAKAMURA & RUSEV (w/Lana) – WWE Smackdown Tag Team Title match

A couple minutes in Ricochet popped the crowd with a surge of offense, but Cesaro knocked him down quickly and then did the Cesaro Swing. It went on and on and on as Sheamus battered Black to prevent him from making the save. Cesaro then applied a sharpshooter mid-ring. Eventually Jimmy Uso broke it up. Jey clotheslined Sheamus over the top rope. Rusev tagged Cesaro’s back and entered the ring. Black also tagged in.

Black rallied and scored a two count, broken up by Shinsuke Nakamura. Ricochet tagged in and went after Rusev, but Rusev caught him and slammed him hard for a two count. Eventually they set up a big tower spot with everyone, with Ricochet on the top. He ended up landing on his feet. Ricochet leaped off the top rope with a 630 on Sheamus. Cesaro, Rusev, and Nakamura all broke up the cover. Jey Uso tagged himself in but Cesaro caught him mid-air with an uppercut Jimmy superkicked Cesaro. Rusev kicked him. Black kicked him. Nakamura kicked Black. Sheamus then hit a Brogue Kick and yelled to the crowd. When he turned, Jey went for a superkick. Sheamus blocked it. Both Usos stereo superkicked him. They positioned Sheamus mid-ring and then perched on opposite turnbuckles and landed stereo splashes for the three count.

WINNERS: Usos to retain the WWE Smackdown Tag Team Titles. (***)

Lots of action. As usual with this many wrestlers, it’s more about the spots than telling a usual story. The feel-good evening continues with a third babyface victory in a row on the main card.

(4) SHANE MCMAHON vs. THE MIZ – Falls Count Anywhere

Shane came out first. Then Miz came out without any family members. As soon as the bell rang, Shane bailed out to ringside. He ran from Miz, then jumped him as soon as he entered the ring. When Shane ran again, Miz chased him. Shane punched him out of mid-air as he was leaping toward him over the barricade. Shane threw Miz back into the ring. He threw him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Graves said Shane has been a step ahead the whole way. Shane rammed Miz with a monitor, then climbed to the top rope. Miz’s dad stepped between them to protect his son. Graves said the guy’s nuts.

Shane dropped down from the top rope. Miz’s dad followed Shane into the ring and put up his fists. Shane showed him proper positioning of the fists. Then Shane attacked him with a flying knee and some kicks. Miz charged into the ring like Davey Boy Smith Jr. last night and pounded away at Shane. Miz aggressively went at Shane at ringside, throwing him over the barricade into the crowd. Then he checked on his dad and called for medical help. Miz turned and charged and leaped onto Shane in the crowd. They brawled deeper into the crowd.

Miz bashed Shane across his back with a chair. Then Miz threw him onto an announce desk. The beating continued with a slam through a table and a near fall on the floor. Miz bashed Shane with a monitor and sent him bumping over a railing and onto the roof of a golf cart and then slipped to the floor about eight feet down. Miz scored a near fall. The beating continued onto a tech area platform. Miz delivered a Skull Crushing Finale. That was good for a near fall. Miz then knocked Shane over the barricade onto another platform. Shane bashed Miz with a metal case and then climbed the scaffolding. Miz grabbed at his leg, but Shane kicked him off. Shane made it to the top of the camera platform. Miz met him up there and gave him a death stare. Shane apologized and said he was so sorry. He kneeled and kept apologizing. Miz milked the moment, then punched away at Shane. Miz tried to throw Shane off the top. Graves said that was going too far. Miz set up a superplex and then delivered it. They landed on a landing platform below which gave in upon landing. Fans chanted “Holy sh–!” Shane landed on Miz and the ref made the three count. The announcers said Miz’s emotions got the best of him. They replayed the superplex in slo-mo from several angles. Graves said Shane can still claim to be the Best in the World.

WINNER: Shane in 14:00.

That delivered. Shane with an early advantage from being sneaky, then Miz with sustained offense leading to a big spot and a fluke win for Shane. A good payoff match at WrestleMania that gives Shane bragging rights, as absurd as the merits of the bragging will be.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(5) BAYLEY & SASHA BANKS vs. NIA JAX & TAMINA vs. THE IICONICS (Billy Kaye & Peyton Royce) vs. BETH PHOENIX & NATALYA (w/Bret Hart) – WWE Women’s Tag Team Title match

Paige joined Cole and Renee at ringside. Cole asked about the Women’s Tag Match, but Paige talked about the main event later and said she hopes Becky Lynch wins. Then Cole asked her about this match. She picked Nia Jax to win. Cole noted the (absolutely ridiculous) no-DQ rules (or lack thereof) in effect for this Fatal Four-way. Renee noted the (absolutely ridiculous) fact that the champs don’t need to be involved in the finish to lose their titles.

A few minutes in Phoenix tagged in and battled Bayley. Natalya tagged in and hit the Hart Attack clothesline on Royce. Bayley made the save. Then Royce crawled over to the corner where Sasha tagged herself in. Bayley saved Sasha from a double-team. Natalya put Sasha and Bayley in a double sharpshooter mid-ring. Tamina ran back into the ring and superkicked Natalya in the side of the head. Phoenix ran in to go after Tamina. Jax showed up and helped take down Phoenix. Jax headbutted Phoenix and threw her to the floor. The IIconics went after Tamina and Jax, but they caught them and gave them Samoan Drops. Then they shifted back after Sasha and Bayley. They dropped them both in opposite corners and then set up stereo splashes off the top rope. Phoenix shoved Jax off the top to the floor. Tamina went after Phoenix at ringside, but Natalya and Phoenix knocked them down. Bayley and Sasha then hit Phoenix with a sequence of moves including a frog splash by Sasha for a near fall.

Phoenix delivered a Glam Slam off the top rope on Bayley, but Billie Kaye knocked her out of the ring and stole the pin.

WINNERS: The IIconics in 11:00 to capture the WWE Women’s Tag Team Titles. (**1/2)

It was fine for what it was, with some big spots and noteworthy title change finish. That said, a fatal four-way format doesn’t lend itself to telling a cohesive story in the ring as it turns into a bit of a spotfest, or has the forced stretches of time where several wrestlers are resting at ringside. This had all of that, too.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(6) DANIEL BRYAN (w/Erick Rowan) vs. KOFI KINGSTON (w/Big E, Xavier Woods) – WWE Title match

New Day came to the ring together. Xavier threw a single handful of pancakes to the crowd. Big E arrived and gyrated for the hard camera. Xavier played the trombone. Saxton and Graves sung the praises of Kofi for being a great person and really helpful and gracious behind the scenes. Big E showed Kofi a blue box with ribbons on it. He said it was a gift for him after the match. (The metal and leather title belt?) Daniel Bryan then came out with Erick Rowan. Graves said Bryan likes to use his WWE Title reign to get a pulpit to spread his message. Saxton said he likes to tell people how to live their lives. Graves complimented the organic title belt Bryan had commissioned.

Fans were alive for this one, chanting “KofiMania!” as the match began. The match began 2:20 into the main show and 4:20 since the Kickoff Show began. Kofi dropkicked Bryan out of the ring a minute in, then leaped over the top rope onto Bryan on the floor. Bryan regrouped with Rowan at ringside. Back in the ring Bryan caught Kofi in mid-air on a leapfrog attempt and then set up a submission on the mat.

Kofi came back and landed the Boom Drop. Kofi slidekicked Bryan to the floor. When he leaped at Bryan, Bryan moved and Kofi landed on the desk. Back in the ring Bryan began sustained offense against Bryan. They cut to the locker room where wrestlers had gathered and were applauding for Kofi. After several more minutes of Bryan in control, Bryan went for a back suplex off the top rope. Kofi elbowed out of it and then leaped with a splash to back of Bryan. He scored a two count. They showed wrestlers backstage reacting.

Fans started a “New… Day Rocks!” chant. Kofi leaped at Bryan off the middle rope, but Bryan rolled through. He shifted into a LeBell lock. Kofi escaped and charged at Bryan, but Bryan lifted his knees. Bryan smiled and kneeled. He began a Yes Chant with a taunting facial expression. When he went for it, Kofi ducked and leveraged Bryan’s shoulders down. Bryan escaped at a two. Bryan then countered an S.O.S. with a LeBell Lock. Bryan elbowed Kofi’s ribs a few times, then reapplied the hold. Graves said there is no escape. Kofi put his toe on the bottom rope to force a break. Bryan fired back with Yes Kicks to Kofi’s chest. Kofi no-sold it and stood up and then kicked back at Bryan. They exchanged kicks. The crowd erupted with cheers as Kofi countered a kick and rolled Bryan into an inverted face-plant suplex for a near fall. Bryan rolled to the floor.

Kofi pursued Bryan at ringside. Rowan got in his path. Xavier leaped at Rowan, but Rowan clawed his head and threw him into the announce table. Rowan then fended off Big E. Kofi gave Rowan a Trouble in Paradise kick. Big E then lifted Rowen and Kofi delivered a Midnight Hour on the floor. Bryan dove through the ropes, but Kofi intercepted him with a forearm. The crowd stood and cheered as Kofi went for a Trouble in Paradise, but Bryan ducked and then landed his flying knee for a believable near fall. They showed the gathering of wrestlers backstage reacting. Bryan sat up in disbelief. Bryan then methodically applied another LeBell Lock mid-ring. Kofi refused to tap. Bryan crossface forearmed him and locked it on again. Kofi powered out and then went after Bryan, but Bryan applied an armlock. They wrestled for position. Kofi mounted Bryan and punched away at him. Then he stood over him and stomped on his head over and over. He let out a yell and showed fire. Big E and Xavier pounded the ring to lead a “New… Day Rocks!” chant. Kofi landed Trouble in Paradise for the three count. The crowd was elated. Xavier and Big E joined Kofi in celebrating.

WINNER: Kingston in 24:00 to capture the WWE Title. (***3/4)

A really good match. Straight forward, with the heel getting a sustained beatdown and eventually the babyface scoring a clean win with a finishing move. WWE is doing the right thing with finishes tonight, and yes in some cases there just is a “right thing” when it comes to finishes.

-Afterward, Xavier and Big E looked at the wooden WWE Title belt and said no way. They set it aside and then revealed the leather and metal one. Xavier presented it to Kofi who held it up mid-ring. Saxton said this is a symbol of accomplishing your goals and achieving your dreams if you believe and persist. Fireworks blasted as Kofi celebrated on the second turnbuckle. He said there isn’t a more deserving individual. His young sons came in and celebrated with them. One of them held the belt up, although he was so young, he needed help. Big E then brought the gift box into the ring. The kids eagerly helped him open it. Inside were t-shirts with Kofi as WWE Champion. The kids stood on the second turnbuckles and showed off the shirts.

Those shirts alone will probably pay for both of those kids’ college educations. Those t-shirts, unfortunately, were released online before the match ended, giving away the finish to some who were hoping to be left in suspense.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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(7) SAMOA JOE vs. REY MYSTERIO JR. – U.S. Title match

Booker T was out to do guest commentary for the next match. Phillips noted that this was Joe’s first WrestleMania match. Joe gave Rey a running kick to the head and then some headbutts. Rey went for a springboard head scissors and landed a 619. Rey climbed to the top rope and leaped at Joe, but Joe avoided him and applied a Coquina Clutch. Rey’s arm dropped and he called for the bell. Booker said Rey wasn’t 100 percent, but he wrestled to represent his country. (The United States?)

WINNER: Joe in 1:00 to retain the U.S. Title.

I like Joe getting a dominant fast win. If Rey was too injured to go long, this is a good way to get something out of that – which is a strong win for Joe.


Drew came out first. The announcers talked him up. Then Reigns came out. Hard to tell on TV what the response was. Cole talked up Reigns and said he was a near unstoppable force since returning to WWE. He got an elaborate fireworks show rivaling Kofi’s for his WWE Title win. Kofi and Drew faced off. Drew slapped Drew hard before Drew could land his first punch.

After several methodical minutes of Drew on offense, Reigns fought back by knocking a trash-talking Drew off balance on the top rope. Reigns headbutted Drew upside down. Drew sat up and overhead tossed Reigns to the mat. Drew sat up. Renee said that’s a place where Roman needed to capitalize, but he failed. Drew went back to trash-talking Roman, saying he gave him an opportunity to get out of this match, but he refused to quit. Drew set up a butterfly suplex suplex and yelled “This one is for Ambrose!” Reigns blocked it, but Drew slapped him. Reigns shook off the snap and began huffing and puffing a bit. He adjusted his jaw and then nailed Drew with a hard clothesline. Drew rolled to ringside, then yanked Reigns to ringside. Reigns gave him a Samoan drop on the floor. Back in the ring Reigns delivered a flying clothesline and then signaled for the Superman Punch. Drew avoided it and headbutted Reigns. Reigns then landed a Superman Punch. Not much response. Reigns looked up and then yelled for the spear. He spread Drew for the win.

WINNER: Reigns in 9:00. (*3/4)

Ehh. The response to Reigns was at best just sort of there. Some cheers, some boos, and it seemed a lot of indifference. The match was paced in a way that reenforced that indifference, although it seemed designed in Vince McMahon’s fantasy as a relentless heel beat down with a chance for the crowd to explode when Roman went into his comeback routine. It didn’t happen. It was a match that did nothing to get fans who weren’t really excited about Roman any more excited that this is some new chapter for him. For Drew, it defined him down a notch, although losing to Vince’s favorite top act shouldn’t be seen that way, I suppose. I think what we learned is both Roman and Drew are better facing wrestlers more different than each other, not this similar. It was just bland. I guess I should be happy there were so few Superman Punches at least.

Last edited by PixieP; 2019-04-08 9:00 PM. Reason: Left out match by accident. Must've blinked since it was over in a minute.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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(9) TRIPLE H vs. BATISTA – No Holds Barred

Shawn Michaels came out on commentary. A black SUV drove onto the stage. Men in a black suits and sunglasses lined up on the stage and Batista popped out of the back and walked to the ring. He spit and turned around, showing off the tattoos on his back. He let out a couple yells and entered the ring, catching his leg on the middle rope as he entered on all fours like an animal. He recovered nicely. Batista walked over to the announce desk and mouthed off to Michaels. Michaels said this has nothing to do with him. The costar of Batista’s movie coming out this summer was standing in the front row behind the announcers wearing a shirt with a giant picture of Batista’s face on it. He re-entered the ring, gingerly this time, without a stumble. He smiled. He stood on the second rope and looked back at the stage. Michaels said there is nothing harder than coming back after a long time off because “the only way to do this stuff is repetition.”

Triple H’s ring entrance then took place, with an elaborate video that was a play on the “Mad Max” movies. Then he was driven out in a vehicle with skulls and torches and chains. His regular entrance theme then played once he got out of the vehicle at ringside. Cole talked about Batista beating Triple H in their three PPV matches. Michaels is one of the most intimidating men you’ll ever see, but Triple H is the biggest of big-time players. Graves said there is no shortcut that Triple H won’t use to beat The Animal tonight. Cole said Triple H hasn’t been in the ring since tearing his pec while Batista has been training for months for this match.

The bell rang and Batista charged at Hunter and drove him into the corner a few times. Batista threw Hunter into the announce table on the floor. Triple H dove off the table and tackled Batista into the side of the ring. Michaels gasped as Batista hit the side of the ring hard. Batista looked already blown up. Hunter nailed Batista with a toolbox from the time keeper’s area. Batista went down, wincing in pain. Hunter whipped Batista into the ringside steps next. Cole said Triple H wants to maim The Animal. Michaels said he’s known Hunter so long, he forgot how mean he is. Hunter grabbed channel locks (pliers) and then isolated his hand and signaled he was going to snap off his fingers. He put his fingers in it, twisted his arm back, and stomped on the fingers on the base of the steps.

Hunter then picked up a chair. He pulled out a needle-nose pliers. Then he bashed Batista across his back with a chair. Hunter set a chair over his throat and sat on the chair, then yanked out his nose ring. Michaels said this is a lesson to kids that they shouldn’t get piercings. Hunter held up a nose ring to show it off. Hunter then leaped off the steps with a fist wrapped in a chain, but Batista side-stepped him and then slammed him on the announce table.

They replayed the nose ring being yanked out and Cole said it was sick. Batista beat up Triple H at ringside, then scored a two count in the ring. Hunter avoided a charging Batista, so Batista went shoulder-first into the ringpost. Hunter then set up a Pedigree, but Batista powered out and slammed Hunter backwards for a two count. Batista put the top of the ringside steps on the Spanish announce table, then cleared the English table. He then lifted Hunter onto the steps. He set up the Batista Bomb, but Hunter backdropped out of it. Batista landed on the other table with a thud. Triple H then speared Batista off of one table and onto the German table. They rolled around on the floor to catch their breath for a long time. Hunter then pulled out a sledgehammer. He entered the ring, but was met by a Batista spear for a near fall.

Batista then picked up the spear, but Hunter kicked it out of his hands. As Hunter charged, Batista delivered a spinebuster. He gave Hunter a Batista Bomb next. Hunter kicked out. Batista brought the base of the ring steps into the ring. Batista then placed Hunter on the top rope. Hunter punched back, but Batista mounted him in the corner and got the better of their exchanges. Hunter slipped down, though, and then powerbombed Batista on the base of the steps. He stood right away and ate a Pedigree for a near fall. That’s a crazy kickout given the impact of the powerbomb and Hunter’s finisher. Hunter charged at Batista with the sledgehammer, but Batista avoided it and managed to DDT Hunter onto the steps. Hunter flipped over onto the mat on the other side of the steps. Graves said neither of these wrestlers will be the same after this. Ric Flair then came to ringside and handed Hunter another sledgehammer. Hunter then leaped off the steps with a sledgehammer and hit Batista in the head. Then he delivered a Pedigree for the win.

WINNER: Triple H in 25:00. (**3/4)

I was ready to dislike this as it went longer and it just dragged in the final third – and at times in the first two-thirds it moved at such a slow speed – but some of the bigger spots in the final stanza looked good and were dramatic and had the crowd gasping. The finish with Flair paying back Batista was a good full-circle justice finish. I wouldn’t blame someone for disliking this for being bloated and plodding and self-indulgent, but I could also see someone thinking I underrated it at just under three stars. I wasn’t a fan of the tools, but I think a lot of people will actually love that part of it. Michaels was good on commentary and added to the match.

(10) KURT ANGLE vs. BARON CORBIN – Angle’s retirement match

Angle got in some early offense. Cole talked with JBL about knowing when you can’t do it anymore and when it’s time to retire. JBL said Angle is at that point, and he talked with him about it earlier in the day. Angle applied an ankle lock. Corbin powered out. Corbin gave Angle a sudden Deep Six for a near fall. Angle came back with an Angle Slam for a near fall. Angle dropped his straps and applied an ankle lock. Corbin yelled out in pain. Fans made a tapping motion in the crowd. Cole said this would be so humiliating and embarrassing for Corbin after all the trash-talking he’s done. Corbin rolled out of it and sent Angle face-first into the corner turnbuckle. Corbin waved his hand in front of his face and said, “Kurt, you can’t see me!” Corbin said that’s because Corbin knows how many people wants Cena to be Angle’s final opponent. Angle gave back with a series of three unreleased German suplexes. Angle then climbed to the top rope and went for a moonsault. Fans stood and cheered. Corbin moved. Corbin then gave Angle his End of Days and scored the three count. Fans looked stunned.

WINNER: Corbin in 6:00. (*1/4)

Solid six minute match all things considered. Fans were stunned, but the way WWE gave Angle some feel-good wins on TV leading up to this, and given the curious positioning of Corbin in this match in the first place given how much of a fan Vince is of Corbin, this finish makes sense. Vince wants Corbin to have bragging rights for years to come that he retired Angle.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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(11) BOBBY LASHLEY (w/Lio Rush) vs. “THE DEMON” FINN BALOR – Intercontinental Title match

Lashley came out first. Then Balor did his elaborate Demon ring entrance. Balor got in early offense and threw Lashley to the floor. He flip dove onto Lashley on the floor. Rush backed away. Balor threw Lashley back into the ring. Lashley took over and knocked Balor hard off the ring apron with a running clothesline. He rammed Balor hard into the ringside barricade. Balor fired back with a sling blade at ringside. He growled and then dropkicked Lashley into the barricade. Lashley leaped through the ropes and speared Balor off the ring apron hard to the floor. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” yelled Cole, who was losing his voice by this point. Back in the ring Lashley hit another spear and Cole declared, “The legend of The Demon is over.” Balor kicked out. Balor countered a Lashley powerbomnb attempt with a powerbomb of his own. Then he climbed to the top rope and landed his Coup de Gras for the win.

WINNER: Balor in 4:00 to capture the IC Title.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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(12) CHARLOTTE vs. RONDA ROUSEY vs. BECKY LYNCH – Raw and Smackdown Titles at stake

Charlotte flew into the parking area of Met Life Stadium in a helicopter. She stepped out, had help putting her robe and feather headpiece on, and strutted into the arena. Mike Rome then began announcements for the “Winner Takes All Triple Threat Match.” His mic faded mid announcement. Even the speakers got tired and went home. Joan Jett & The Blackhearts performed Rousey’s theme live on the stage. Rousey then made her way to the ring looking very serious. It’s 5 minutes before the END OF SUNDAY in New York at this point. Charlotte then came out to her music. Graves talked about how Then Becky made her entrance without any special fanfare other than her entrance theme. It’s all that was needed. Cole talked about the small ripple that became a ground swell and now has “overtaken the world.” Rome did the ring introductions and his mic was back working.

The bell rang Monday morning at 12:01 a.m. Becky went after Ronda at the start and tired a disarm her as Charlotte watched. Ronda fired back with punches and a kick. Becky rolled to the floor, then caught a charging Charlotte with some round kicks. Charlotte rolled to the floor. Rousey lifted and drove Becky hard into the ringside barricade. Then Ronda gave Charlotte her Piper’s Pit on the floor. Becky shoved Rousey into the ringpost. Charlotte gave Rousey an overhead slam into the ringside barricade.

Back in the ring Becky and Charlotte went after each other with an exchange of forearms and punches. Charlotte went after Becky’s arm, but Becky leveraged Charlotte’s shoulders down. Then she set up a figure-four, letting our a “wooo!” first. Charlotte kicked her off. Rousey rolled back into the ring and kicked Becky and Charlotte. She went back after Rousey. Charlotte kneed Rousey and then kicked her in the head. Charlotte and Becky lifted and then powerbombed Rousey over the top rope. Rousey held onto Charlotte’s arm, though. Becky kicked Rousey off of Charlotte and Rousey landed on the back of her shoulders and could’ve easily landed on the back of her head as her butt her the edge of the ring on the way down, changing her expected trajectory.

That freed up Charlotte and Becky to wrestle for a while one-on-one. Then Becky applied a disarm her, Rousey re-entered and broke it up. Rousey applied an armbar on Becky, but Charlotte broke it up quickly with a running knee. Fans began chanting “Becky! Becky!” Charlotte covered Rousey and got a two count. Charlotte chopped away at Rousey. Rousey got mouthy and said she “slaps like a bitch.” Charlotte gave her a backhand cross the face. Rousey leaped at Charlotte and went for an armbar. Charlotte leveraged Rousey into a camel clutch instead. Becky gave Charlotte a bulldog from behind to break that up. Becky set up an inverted DDT. Charlotte walked into her arms, so she gave Charlotte a regular DDT at the same time as a Rousey inverted DDT. She scored two counts on each.

Becky gave Charlotte a Bexploder suplex off the middle rope for a near fall. Rousey leaped onto both. They both lifted her and gave her a tandem powerbomb. They delivered a second tandem powerbomb. And then a third. They released Ronda and went after each other. Charlotte threw Becky out and then ran over and covered Rousey for a near fall. Becky knocked Charlotte not the floor and then applied a disarmher on Rousey. Rousey rolled around, but Becky held on. Rousey crawled over to the bottom rope and used it to lift Becky and escape. Becky applied the armbar while sitting on the top rope. Charlotte kicked Becky in the face.

Charlotte stood on the top rope and dove off with a Becky in her arms and they crashed hard to the mat with a Spanish fly. Charlotte scored a near fall. Rousey entered. Charlotte gave her a suplex. Becky broke up the cover and went for a disarm her. Charlotte rammed Becky’s face into the middle turnbuckle. Charlotte then wrapped Rousey’s leg around the ringpost and then applied a figure-four. Rousey cried out in pain. Becky broke it up with a kick. Charlotte threw Becky hard into the ringside barricade. Charlotte went for a figure-four, but Rousey rolled her up for a believable near fall. Charlotte then put Rousey in a figure-four. She bridged into a figure-eight. That got a rise out of the crowd, m but Becky leaped off the top rope with a leg drop to break it up.

Becky pulled a table out form under the ring. Fans cheered. She slid it into the ring. She set up the table as Rousey clutched her knee and Charlotte sold at ringside. Charlotte attacked Becky and put her on the table. Charlotte set up a superplex, but Rousey shoved her to the floor. Rousey tipped the table over and shouted, “Tables are for bitches!” Cole said, “Ronda said she doesn’t need a table.” Renee said, “That’s not quite what she said.” Becky countered Piper’s Pit, but Becky countered with an armbar attempt. Charlotte speared both of them and then scored a two count on Becky. She scored a two count on Rousey next. Charlotte leaned the table in the corner. She grabbed Charlotte and yelled out something about “fake” and then rammed her face into the table a few times. Becky went after Charlotte, but Charlotte speared her for another two count. Cole’s voice grew more hoarse with every near fall.

Charlotte charged at Becky and Rousey, but they worked together to throw Charlotte into the table. Rousey and Lynch then circled each other. They wildly threw punches at each other. Becky gave Becky a flying knee. Becky looked like she was out. Rousey lifted her with help of the ropes to stand. She gave Becky a Piper’s Pit, but Becky leveraged Rousey’s shoulders down and scored a three count. Rousey protested that her shoulders weren’t down. Fireworks blasted as Becky celebrated with both belts. They went to a wide shot fo the arena as her music played. Then they faded to black.

WINNER: Becky in 25:00 to become both Raw & Smackdown Champion. (****1/2)

That was non-stop drama. I’m not going to mark it down because it was so late in the night and everyone was tired. That was just a hell of a match.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Another year...another WrestleMania in the books.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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God bless the gorgeous ladies of wrestling!

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