Pat Buchanan on Savage Nation (May 2007)

As true now as it was 12 years ago. We are admitting millions of people into this country who don't want to assimilate, have a first loyalty to their country of origin, and many of whom are openly hostile toward the United States.

Common sense is that we only admit people who have a first loyalty to the United States, who want to assimilate and become one of us. To allow millions into our country who do not assimilate is national suicide.
Our liberal mainstream culture sees the need for black, hispanics, asians, native Americans and other cultures to work together and make a priority of preserving their culture. But for white America to do the same is labelled as "racist".

A culture that cannot (or does not) preserve itself and doesn't make a priority of teaching a value and pride in that culture to succeeding generations, assures it will be replaced by another culture.