William Shatner explains the feud with George Takei

William Shatner, answering a question about Takei's feud with Shatner, saying he doesn't know why Takei has railed on him for decades. And then, astonishingly, Takei invited Shatner to his 2008 gay wedding!

This Youtube comment really nailed it:
 Originally Posted By: Lucas McCain
Takei owes his entire career to Shatner. Yes, that's right. Shatner made the show.
Bottom Line, no one would ever know the name George Takei if it weren't for William Shatner, period.


 Originally Posted By: fyreflye100
I saw George Takei at a Star Trek convention in 1992. I was very excited to see him speak in person – and he proceded to give the most mind-numbingly boring speech I have ever seen. This was not long after the sixth Star Trek movie movie where Sulu had been made a captain, and I swear almost every freaking sentence George uttered contained the phrase, "Captain Sulu." For well over an hour, it was Captain Sulu this and Captain Sulu that. He was promoting a new series of Captain Sulu books, and he kept telling us we should write letters to Paramount asking them to make a series starring the adventures of Captain Sulu. He never mentioned Shatner or Kirk in this talk, except a passing reference to the old, balding captain who needed to retire already.

Not long after that, I saw George Takei on QVC, along with Walter Koenig and Nichelle Nichols. The QVC host made a comment about how she wished she could have been in the limousine with the three of them as they were coming to QVC. Walter Koenig said something like, "I can tell you what we talked about in the limousine. It was Captain Sulu and the weather and Captain Sulu and our families and Captain Sulu, and then we talked some more about Captain Sulu." I wanted to reach through the TV and give Walter a big kiss!

People always talk about Shatner's ego, but I'm telling you George Takei has a massive ego as well, and I think a lot of his intense hatred towards Shatner comes from pure resentment that he was the main star instead of George.