A sample of Newton's NEW GODS work, to bring things back on-topic.

There's nothing wrong with Newton's art on the series, it's actually quite nice for the most part. My problems were primarily
1) Newton isn't Jack Kirby and his art was a vast departure from Kirby, and especially Conway's writing presented strange new very different characters that to me weren't the New Gods.
2) the cartoonish charactured exaggerated facial expressions in many scenes.
3) Conway's writing just made it into essentially a generic Marvel comic (where Conway just came from), indistinguishable from an issue of Thor or Hulk or FF or Spiderman. There was not the same epic grandness to Conway's run that there was to Kirby's classic run.

Englehart/Rogers came closer to that Kirfby-level grand scale in their MISTER MIRACLE 19-22 run.