Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Man... almost 10 years later. And still.

I'd guess the appeals court is dominated by Obama-appointed judges. As we've been over before, the "targeting" with literal targets on the posters of political candidates began with Bob Beckel as campaign manager in the 1984 election. Used in many elections after that, where no shootings occurred. Which far precedes the 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords. And in the case of nutjob shooter Jared Loughner, police forensics people went through every browsed site on Loughner's computer, and so far as I know, they never found any links to any "target" campaign ads that Loughner had browsed on his computer. And Loughner had wacko conspiracy theory globalist banking reasons he cited as his motive for the shooting, not by Palin campaign rhetoric or posters.

But y'know, never let a thing like the facts get in the way of liberal judges jerking around Sarah Palin, and keeping a liberal narrative alive.

The liberal judges on the appeals court are letting her suit go forward, actually.