Rod Blagojevich, hours after returning from prison a free man, publicly thanked President Trump for commuting his sentence as he delivered a detailed account of his life behind bars with his trademark dramatic flair.
“I’m a Trump-o-crat,” the former Illinois Democratic governor declared Wednesday, in a lively press conference outside his Chicago home with his family by his side.


The event began later than originally scheduled, which he chalked up in part to difficulty shaving – as he repeatedly dabbed blood on his chin as he spoke.
“It’s been a long, long journey. I’m bruised, I’m battered, and I’m bloody,” Blagojevich said, patting his chin with a napkin. “It’s been a long time since I’ve shaved with a normal razor. I’ve gotta keep dabbing the blood.”

The brash politician whose corruption-case sentence of 14 years was cut short a day earlier by Trump's decision went on to say, “We want to thank and give our most profound and everlasting gratitude to President Trump.” He thanked Trump for giving back the freedom he said was "stolen" from him.

I was pretty open in my earlier posts about Blagojevich deserving jail time, that it was a blatant case of corruption. But at this point, he was prosecuted and spent 8 years in jail for it, and definitely paid the price for his crimes. I don't think it's less of a deterrant that he only served 8 years instead of 14 years for it. He certainly spent more time in jail than any of the Watergate conspirators.

And I hope that the deep state agents and their faked evidence and FISA warrants against Trump spend a similar amount of time in jail. What James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates, John Brennan, Bill Priestap, Susan Rice, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, James Clapper, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kevin Clinesmith and so many others did was far more corrupt, abusive and damaging to the country than what Blago did.
They should pay a heavy price.
And yet Democrats run cover for them, and it's very possible none of them will ever see a single day in jail.

It's also interesting to see those who criticize Trump's commutation of Blagojevich, amy of whom should rightly be in jail and yet escape justice because the Democrat party has flown cover for them. And the Republicans who are regular critics of Trump and use this occasion to pile on with the Dems. It lets Trump, and his voters, know who Trump's friends are, going into November 2020.