I hate this victim-crap coming from the Democrats, that it's somehow discrimination toward women that Warren's campaign wasn't more successful.
Likewise Hillary Clinton, Kristen Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Julian Castro, etc., etc.
Every one of these primary candidates were widely praised by the Liberal media. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris in particular as the inevitable successor to Obama. It was when they stepped in it and made unforced errors and said things that were offputting to voters that they suddenly lost favor,
*NOT* because of any blanket discriminatory resistance toward a woman candidate by voters, or conspiracy by party elites or the news media. It was completely their own failure, no other reason.
The one exception where there
was a conspiracy was against Tulsi Gabbaard, but as she herself says (with lawsuits to back it) the discrimination against her is because of her independent ideas from outside the mainstream, not because of her gender.
Likewise Trump.
Likewise Bernie Sanders.
Their outsider non-establishment campaigns meet great resistance, both in the establishment-controlled parties and in the establishment-subservient media.
Quite the opposite of discrimination, the Democrat party leadership and the news media are
salivating at the thought of a minority, female or gay candidate from their side. They hyped and promoted these minorities and women until they choked all on their own.
A far cry from mainstream treatment of
minority-Republican candidates like W. Bush-era attorney general Alberto Gonzales, black secretary of state Colin Powell, black female national security advisor and 2nd-term secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, current HUD secretary Dr. Ben Carson, justice Clarence Thomas, presidential candidate Herman Cain, gay ambassador to Germany and soon DNI director Richard Grennell, and several other highly placed women and minority cabinet members in the Reagan, G H W Bush, W. Bush, and Trump administrations. Democrats and the media try to destroy or at best ignore these examples. Their success breaks the "Republican=white-racist" narrative of Democrats and the media.