Originally Posted By: Joey From Friends
My comic shop is open three hours a day for mailing comics or curbside pick up.

My porn store is open for sales only. No video rooms open.

Churchgoers should be allowed to get together as long as they stay in their cars.

I guess porn is an "essential" service too.
It's a... uh... solo activity!

It annoys me that a bunch of churchgoers in Mississippi, I think, who met in a parkinglot each separated in their own cars, but listening to their pastor broadcast on their car radios. They were each given a $500 fine!

There was another guy in Colorado who was playing ball in a park alone with his 6 year old daughter, where the police actually arrested him right in front of his daughter. That must be pretty traumatic for the 6 year old.

Others were arrested protesting the shelter-at-home order in Michigan. They were told protesting is not an essential activity. So much for the Constitution, the right to peaceably assemble and petition a grievance with your government.

In all 3 cases, no warning, just immediate arrest and fines.

I think you're right that a year or so from now, they'll probably iron out the details and come up with a more fair standard, if this kind of national "social distancing" should ever happen again in the future.
But it's a bit scary, the kneejerk impulse of the authoritarian Left to just go right after the Christians and ban their free speech rights, and in Michigan, outlaw any dissent. Just go after the rights of people you don't like, but keep open the liquor stores and the Marijuana shops. And, of course, the abortion clinics.

No double-standards, none whatsoever!