Like I said, it is rather odd that across multiple Democrat-governor states, that enforcement has selectively turned against religious freedom in churches, against gun stores (at a time where governors are setting criminals free from jail in the thousands, while police officers are either sick from Covid-19 or less willing to respond to crimes!), and even arresting gym owners, hair stylists and pastors expressing their first amendment rights to protest these actions and dissent their professions being labelled as "non-essential activity", while these governors simultaneously leave open abortion clinics, marijuana shops and liquor stores right across the street.
It's just highly suspect when Democrat governors selectively enforce along those lines. To leave businesses and persons favorable to their ideology open to potentialy spread the virus, while using their authority and power to shut down the businesses they ideologically don't like.

That's not protecting the public, that's ideological abuse of power, and in the words of Rahm Emmanuel, "Never letting a crisis go to waste." A frightening example of authoritarian over-reach by the Democrat/Left, targeting their political opposition under the cover and political opportunity of a national crisis.