Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

Giffen's swipes go back to his peak period work on LEGION. Even before the Great Darkness Saga (LEGION 290-294) Giffen was visibly swiping pages from LONE SLOAN/DILIRIUS by Phillippe Druillet that was serialized in HEAVY METAL in the late 70's.

Starting in 1984, Giffen's art dropped off a cliff in quality, and he was swiping pages from Toth and Munoz. But when the art was not as beautiful and detailed as during his 1982-1983 LEGION period, I think readers began to abandon him. Lots of artists swiped Neal Adams (Buckler, Grell, Brunner, Sienkiewicz, to name just a few) and their careers don't suffer for it. Giffen had the added detriment that his new work really, REALLY sucked, and fans stopped buying it.

The later AMBUSH BUG mini-series work likewise was a decline from the above stories I listed. They were less funny, and just became annoyingly silly. The earlier Ambush Bug stories in DC COMICS PRESENTS and ACTION COMICS were playful, but also struck the right balance. Others may have loved the miniseries, but an issue or two in, that's when I got off the train.

Agree. I think I bought all the Ambush Bug stuff but I really didn’t care for the art style in the mini series. Just finished the Defenders Masterworks with his earlier art and it looked very similar. I actually didn’t care for his Legion work after Great Darkness Saga either but I think I’m in the minority there. Now those early Bug appearances were a different matter. Supes had a golden age look that I liked and like you said the humor was just right.

Fair play!