Again, nothing I don't see on my occasional visits to DailyKos, New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, or Youtube. Liberals say some really nasty stuff, but the ads don't get taken down or de-monetized. Only when Conservatives say something legitimate is it alleged to be over the line, so as to delete it and prevent it from being heard.

When I was deleted as a user on Youtube for crimes against humanity, I posted a link to Conservapedia's listing for homosexuality, to demonstrate that homosexuality is not a scientific fact, that homosexuality scientifically is not proven to be genetic. That according to a Supreme Court justice during a ruling on secular humanism, homosexuality and atheism are as much a faith-based belief system as Christianity, and that thousands have left homosexuality to lead heterosexual lives, marry, and have children. And that there are multiple scientific studies of homosexuals, mostly by homosexuals, that don't support the official party line that homosexuality is inborn and genetic, or that it is an immutable inborn condition that cannot be changed:

Some social justice warrior either banned me for that, or for my comments about the Arab/Israeli conflict. That billions of dollars have been given over the last 50 years to the Palestinians, with which they should have been able to build a state comparable to Israel. But instead have used all that money to train terrorists and wage war on Israel. That even when Israel pulled out of Southern Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, those areas were immediately used to launch missiles into Israel, unrelentingly, for years. And that at some point Israel, despite its enormous patience, might be forced for its own protection to turn the West Bank and Gaza into twin smoking craters. Because there is absolutely no reasoning with the Palestinians. And to laay out the evidence of Israel's 70 years of concessions for peace, I linked (on Youtube!) a 30-minute Youtube video by Hal Lindsey titled "The Modern Lie" detailing 70 years of Israeli concessions for peace, and de-constructing the false Palestinian talking points.
Here's a link to another download of the same video, that Youtube has not deleted:

Ironically, the muslim guy I was debating physically threatened me multiple times, but his comments are still there, but my user-name and posts were deleted.
I suspect this was the post that got me deleted as a user by Youtube's social justice warrior content moderators, because the Hal Lindsey video I linked, that had been on Youtube for 11 years at that point, was also deleted at that time.

When you delete one entire political side from a debate, M E M, there is no debate anymore, there is only Bolshevik one-party rule.
If you approve of this policy for social media, you would love living in mainland China.

And as your Bolshevik Democrat brethren know well, it's par for the course to label legitimate non-profane non-hateful speech as "hate speech" and "offensive", not because it is, but just so persuasive conservative arguments can be deleted and prevented from being heard and persuading others.
Case in point with Trump's campaign ad just deleted by Twitter.