Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Hello, my name is Prometheus.

Twenty-years ago, I posted here rather frequently. At 27, I was a kid who liked to write superhero fanfic and believed that MTV's "Rock the Vote" worked, that Dubya had stolen the election, and that 9/11 was an inside job.

Ten years ago, I posted here infrequently. At 37, I was a manchild dealing with a childless marriage that I hated, the dissolution of my love for mainstream comic books, and was a raging Liberal Democrat that believed "Occupy Wall Street" was a legitimate middle-class revolt against "Corporate Powers".

It's 2020, and I don't post here, or anywhere. At 47, I'm remarried, happy, and more content than I ever thought I would be, raising three daughters. And I look at the state of this world, and certainly after 2016, the insane, perverted, petty, intolerant hypocrisy that has spun from the once-Left and their claims of "Progressive-ness". Their incessant Trump Derangement Syndrome, ranting and raving that...a billionaire darling they once fawned over...is suddenly somewhere comparable to a dictator that caused the death of millions of Jews. The sheer absurdity of not just where these nutjobs dragged the Left, but the mindless sheep that followed them off the cliff of SJW racial segregation and the elite pedophilia, all protected by their powerhold on the media. Trump ain't no peach. But he's not a Communist like Biden and the entire Democratic Party. Best economy I've seen in my adult lifetime, strong stance on international relations and national security. They have tried repeatedly to find something wrong with him and have only proven Biden and his family's own corruption.

I would like to say, openly and freely, old boys: I was wrong.

The Liberal philosophy is perfectly comparable to the worst Communist regime. And I'm embarrassed that I once saw it as anything moral or even close to basic human civility...

I’m the G-man and I approve this message.
Welcome back, buddy

Last edited by the G-man; 2020-08-22 11:13 PM.