Thanks Democrats! Numbers Showing Great News for Trump In Wake of Dem Convention

Normally, during a party convention, the party’s presidential candidate gets a bump just because of the attention and focus on him/her.

But given the absolutely dismal fail that the Democratic virtual convention has been – failed ratings, the endorsement of radical BLM movement and the crazy postal conspiracy theory, Barack and Michelle Obama both telling audacious lies – one can’t expect much of a bump.

But the candidate apparently did get a bump. President Donald Trump, that is.
According to the Rasmussen poll, it was Trump who got the bump and went up four points in just 24 hours.
The numbers jumped up from 47% approval before the DNC convention to now 51%.

Rasmussen was one of only three poll groups that accurately called Trump's 2016 election victory.



But this isn’t the only positive movement. Several polls have shown Trump making up ground over the past few weeks.

In a state where one might have thought he probably didn’t have a chance of winning, Minnesota, suddenly it appears he does. While a Republican hasn’t won there since 1972, even with the big Reagan landslide in 1984, Trump came within a couple of points in 2016.

The Trafalgar Group poll shows Biden and Trump tied at 47 percent, with Jo Jorgensen, the Libertarian candidate at 4 percent in Minnesota. At the end of July, the poll had shown Trump trailing by 5 points. This poll was conducted over the first and second days of the DNC as they were endorsing the BLM and pretending violent rioters were “peaceful protesters.” In Minnesota where they lived the violence first hand, this isn’t going to go over well as dealing in reality.

So with the Dems' vocal alliance with Black Lives Matter at the convention, and doubling down on siding with woke BLM rather than protecting citizens from rioting mobs and further de-funding police AFTER the last poll, the likelihood is Democrat support will dip even lower. Thanks, Dems!!

And that's even before the Republican convention began, that as undeniably well as it presented its message, will create even more of a surge in support for Trump.