I was curious about the "Hutaree militia" that M E M used as the vehicle to start this topic:


That apparently had a vast membership of... 9 people. All arrested by the FBI, and the group no longer exists.

Based in the city of Adrian, Michigan, slightly south of Detroit and Lansing. A town that has a total population of barely 20,000 people, and only 84% of which is white.
A city so deeply white-racist that... it was a center of the Underground Railroad to liberate black slaves up till the Civil War.
The Hutaree are so influential on the town of Adrian that... they are not even mentioned. Not even a blip.

As M E M ignores the nightly terrorism and violence of Antifa (that by their Facebook site has daily site visits of at least 23,000 members nationwide).
And ignores Black Lives Matter (with undisclosed numbers, and funding donations of about $250 million), that have burned the downtown districts of large cities nationwide, and burned and looted business districts in smaller cities and towns nationwide that go virtually unreported. Leftist groups that have attacked and injured over 2,000 police officers nationwide, killed at least 2 police officers. And resulted in the deaths of dozens of other people nationwide.
Whereas the Hutaree were arrested and convicted before really doing much of anything.

Which side seems more dangerous to Americans: the Hutaree, or these other leftist groups?